Rare is the day when we don’t think that someone’s behavior or emotional reaction makes absolutely no sense at all.  One day it might be a government official, another day it could be a loved one.

In these situations there is always the unstated assumption that they are seeing the same reality I am seeing.  And their response to the reality I am seeing is either crazy or stupid.

In fact, I contend that almost always there are at least two very different “realities” involved here: one for you and a totally different one for the other person. There also can be a third: what’s really happening “out there.”

The source of our “reality”

If you’ve been following this blog you’ve read on more than one occasion that our beliefs constitute our reality.  If you believe relationships are difficult, that is an absolute fact for you. If you believe life is difficult, that too is a fact and you will have loads of evidence to prove you are right.

Beliefs are generalization we make about ourselves, people, and life that, for us, are “the truth.”  So our beliefs about reality determine what we think our reality is.

In addition, we constantly give unconscious meaning to events and then we usually do not recognize the crucial distinction between reality and how that reality has occurred to us.

As a result of our beliefs and our occurrings, what we think is reality more often than not is really something that exists only in our mind, a subjective, unconsciously-created, personal view of reality, not what a video camera would record.

It follows, therefore, that although people’s behavior and emotional reactions might not make sense to us given our view of reality, they make perfect sense given their view of reality.  Moreover, most of the time neither our view nor their view corresponds to what actually exists “out there in the world.”

Shelly and I disagree about our children’s education

To make this clear, here’s a personal example of what I mean.

Shortly after our first daughter was born over 29 years ago, Shelly and I started to have conversations about her education.  I told her that I thought most public schools were toxic environments and produce more damage than value to the children who attend.  (To fully explain my reasons would take an entire blog post. To briefly summarize my reasons, most public schools encourage conformity, discourage creativity and independence, and emphasize memorizing information at the expense of critical thinking.)

So I suggested that we find a really good alternative private school for Blake to attend.  Shelly said that she understood my reasons for disliking most public schools and agreed with my reasoning, but still kept arguing that Blake should attend the best public school we could find.

If Shelly really understood my “reality” about public schools, it would make no sense at all for her to continue to argue that Blake should attend one.  As a result, I would get frustrated and annoyed whenever we discussed Blake’s education.  I remember a lot of heated discussions on this topic.

Shelly’s “reality” about public schools

Eventually I figured out Shelly’s “reality” about schools, at which point her preference for public school made perfect sense.  Thirty years ago Shelly (like me and many other people in the world) had the belief: What makes me good enough and important is having people like me.  Other related beliefs included: I can’t survive without close friends.  Friends are the most important things in one’s life.  As a result of these and other similar beliefs, Shelly’s friends were the most important thing in her life.

For Shelly, public school was the single most important place for our daughter to make friends and be accepted.  And if making a lot of friends was one of the most important things one gets from school, then a small private alternative school with about 120 students spread over eight grades would be a horrible choice for her daughter.  A public school with about a thousand kids would be far superior.

Shelly has since eliminated all these beliefs, but at the time her choice of schools for Blake—which seemed absolutely insane to me given what I thought about public schools—made perfect sense to Shelly given her view of public schools: the best place to make a lot of friends and learn about friendship.

Can you see that the difference between my behavior and feelings about public and private schools and Shelly’s was totally a function of how we viewed those schools.  In fact, neither view of reality was “the truth.” Each was determined by our beliefs.

After I understood Shelly’s reality about public schools, I still disagreed with her choice, but I no longer thought her choice was stupid and felt annoyed at her.  I realized that I would have made the same school choice as she did if I “saw” public schools the same way she did and she would have made the same choice I did if she had the same view I did.

In fact, over the next few years as Shelly eliminated her beliefs relating to friends and to her concern about what others thought of her, she ultimately saw public schools the way I did and ended up totally supporting our joint decision to send both our daughters to a great alternative private school.

The “reality” of government officials

My personal view about the role of the federal government is very different from conservative Republicans, especially the Tea Partyers.  But unlike many of my friends who are angry at them and who think they are stupid, I have come to realize that their proposed policies are a function of their beliefs about the proper role of government.  If I had those beliefs, I’d espouse the same policies.

Israel and Palestine: the problem is the result of different realities

For another good example where understanding this distinction can be very useful, look at the conflict between Israelis and the Palestinians.  It should be clear that each side is viewing a totally different reality.  And their different behaviors are a direct manifestation of each’s reality.

What are those behaviors?  Israel puts up a fence and checkpoints to keep suicide bombers out of areas where Israelis congregate.  Their invasions are designed to stop rocket fire, which comes from the invaded areas.  Israelis settle anyplace they want, in other words, anyplace within the borders of the State of Israel, even in areas that are predominantly Palestinian.

Palestinians uses violence as the only avenue they claim remains open to them to try to get Israel to recognize their basic human rights and give them back their homeland, which was taken from them by force and by illegal and immoral international agreements.  No matter where they live today they want the right to return to their former homes on land that is now part of Israel.

This is a very condensed description what each side does and wants.  Now consider the “reality” as seen by both sides and notice how each’s behavior makes sense given the respective realities.

Reality for Israelis looks like: Centuries of anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, the struggle to create a homeland of their own, trying to survive as a small nation when others have sworn to push them back into the sea, constant shelling from Palestinian areas (and other countries), and the ever-present threat of suicide bombers.  Jewish people have always lived on this land and King David made the city of Jerusalem the capital of Israel 3,000 years ago.  Even 150 years ago there were more Jews living in Jerusalem than Muslims.

Reality for Palestinians looks like: We were living here peaceably when Israel and international agreements (we were not a party to) forcibly drove us from our homeland; Israel has kept us from returning and denies those of us living in Israel basic rights as human beings.  Jerusalem contains some of Islam’s holiest cities.  Moreover, the Jews used violence against the British when they thought it was the only way to get them to give up control over what is now the State of Israel.  They thought they were morally justified in their action, and it worked—they got the land they wanted.  (See my earlier blog post for more details on this particular issue: https://www.mortylefkoe.com/a-tool-for-resolving-conflict/#).

When you get that people’s behavior and emotional reactions always make sense given the way reality occurs to them (which is a function of their beliefs and occurrings), you might notice that you are less confused by what people do, less angry at them for doing it, and better able to find common ground for a solution that works for all concerned.

Please leave your comments and questions about how people’s different beliefs and occurrings account for their different reactions to things, and how recognizing that can reduce your upset and increase your compassio

If you found this post useful, please tell your friends and followers by using the buttons at the top of this post.

If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to htp://www.recreateyourlife.com/free where you can eliminate one negative belief free.

For information about eliminating 23 of the most common limiting beliefs and conditionings, which cause eight of the most common problems in our lives including a lack of confidence, and get a separate video of the WAIR? Process, please check out: http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

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copyright ©2011 Morty Lefkoe


  1. mayuk October 11, 2011 at 8:57 pm - Reply

    yes it is little hard to explain what i did ,but i am curious about few questions like is it possible to have different having same meaning ?

    another important question if underneath a problem there is only a conditioning how can i understand that it is a belief or a conditioning so that i can proceed with the right process? thank you .


    • Morty Lefkoe October 12, 2011 at 11:46 am - Reply

      Hi Mayuk,

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      Unfortunately I cannot answer here how to tell the difference. We will create a course at some point that will teach about conditionings and how they are different from beliefs. But that will take a training.

      Love, Morty

  2. mayuk October 10, 2011 at 10:05 am - Reply

    i just got rid of a belief “i have no value” but the same when i am saying is giving me a negative feeling .i did the process and the events that caused it also is giving feelings but i surely got rid of it . ok now i have some questions
    1. can the same meaning have different set of events ?
    2. is it the conditioning?
    3. am i not really going into the deeper underlying beliefs?
    4. is ” i am not valuable ” and “i have no value” the same meaning ?
    5. can the same words come up over and over again ? r the exact words really required?
    since it is the fastest method till date so is the demand :P.thank you.


    • Morty Lefkoe October 10, 2011 at 10:51 am - Reply

      Hi Mayuk,

      I’m not sure what you did.

      It sounds like you tried to eliminate a belief on your own and it didn’t work. Because people like you are interested in eliminating beliefs on your own, we have created a new on-line training to help you do just this. The training will be announced this week.


  3. Marilyn R Williams October 9, 2011 at 11:17 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    The article reminded of a conversation I had with a group of people. We were trying to work out a problem. I said, “I can see your side, but it seems to me that you are not hearing what I am saying.” Two of the people said, “Well if you can see our side, and we can’t see yours, then we must be right!” I just sat there and tried to explain that that was not the way it works, but they insisted…What do you do with people that refuse to work towards a common goal even when that is the purpose of the group?

    I just hope this message gets out to LOTS of people, because it very well could create more peace on planet Earth.

  4. Daniel Morgan October 7, 2011 at 12:41 pm - Reply

    I haev to say that this is greatly ture. I have found that in this life I experience reality completely dirffrent from another peron. Interesting. Diffrent realites. I also have found great ways to get along with people, offer advise, lead, and inspire. Great words spoken.

  5. Thomas October 6, 2011 at 2:32 pm - Reply

    My education experience is rather ironic to the one described in this blog. My parents sent me to a private elementary school run by the Roman Catholic church. I am afraid that many of my self-depreciating, negative beliefs originated there (we were raised as devote Catholics). Conformity, strict obedience and the belief that we were unworthy were emphasized every day. Being happy? That was a sign you were up to something. Because of many factors, including poor grades, I was sent to the local public high school. What a culture shock!. People were dressed differently, they just answered teacher’s questions without first raising their hand and standing at attention. And when the bell rang, there was no orderly supervised procession from one classroom to another where talking was physically punished. It was mayhem! Students walked with their friends and talked. I felt very lost and was unable to cope in such a free and expressive environment. It was not till half way through college that I began to adjust. And many decades later, I am still trying to overcome these experiences.

    So the question is not public vs. private. It is about an environment that nurtures growth and understanding the goodness in ourselves and each other.

    • Morty Lefkoe October 6, 2011 at 7:20 pm - Reply

      Hi Thomas,

      I agree the issue isn’t public versus private, but conventional public and private versus alternative (holistic) public (like some charter schools) and private.

      Our kids went to an alternative private school.


  6. Danny October 6, 2011 at 11:37 am - Reply

    Hello Morty,

    As a citizen of Israel, a Jew and a huge fan of your work, I want to thank you. I can now distinguish between the 3 different realities that are occuring. Until recently I didn’t know that Israel “took” Palestine’s land, and I was so angry at suicide bombers and the rocket launchers. I can now clearly see WHY they use violence. I may not agree with it, but you helped me realize that given their “reality”, anything they do and say makes perfect sense. However, I think that no matter how much grounds Israel is preparing to give back, real peace will never be. Because Palestine’s reality remain the same. They’ll still want the entire land back, so even if they see Israel’s reality, it won’t help. But the citizens of both countries need to understand what you posted here… in order to avoid further racism and violence.

    Thanks a lot, take care

  7. Justin | Mazzastick October 6, 2011 at 11:35 am - Reply

    I share your exact point of view on the school system. It is an old and outdated form of education. I believe it was the Balfour declaration that gave way to the creation of Israel but that is a discussion for another time.

    I like how you used the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to make your point. Two sides that have their own unique viewpoints and neither is willing to budge. Both realities are true for them so neither is technically “wrong”.

    Oh, what a difficult and challenging situation that needs to urgently be resolved.

  8. Will October 5, 2011 at 1:45 pm - Reply

    What an incredible, inspired post. It’s ironic that I sent this to my wife telling her that she’d really enjoy this. My wife’s first perception in life is Visionary, which means the pictures in her mind’s eye are extremely important, and sometimes those pictures (which are supported by her beliefs) are critical in nature. It’s the old statement, “if y0u’re married to a perfectionist, understand you’ll probably be a disappointment.” Anyway, I didn’t really read it. But then I remembered a concept I find compelling, “if you see something in someone (being critical) that bothers you, it’s because you have a critical nature as well of which you may not be aware. I laughed out loud, because it dawned on me I sometimes think people are really stupid. So I read the post. That was awesome Morty. You’ve helped me some truths that I had forgotten and my day(week and month too) will be much better for it. Thank you!

  9. Lauren October 5, 2011 at 11:09 am - Reply

    Powerful points you put across here! Since eliminating beliefs with the Natural Confidence program and taking the Occurring Course last year, I’ve done a lot of “settling in” mentally, emotionally. In fact, I’ve become kinder because I realize that people are making opinions based on the beliefs they’ve accumulated over the years. I am beginning to understand where my husband is coming from and why he reacts the way he does. He’ll interrupt me when we’re talking and I noticed when we went to his family gatherings, conversation was mainly among the brothers and sisters and mom and dad. Anything that one of the in-laws said was met with silence most of the time. I understand how it is in big families and one of the beliefs was “If I don’t interrupt, I’ll never get my share of attention from mom and dad.” In my husband’s family, it is the opposite. They don’t let anyone comment when they’re together; rather like a protective shield against “not-family”. Anyway, as I understand the dynamic, I either tell my husband what he is doing is not acceptable to me or I use the occurring tools to dissolve the occurring(mostly without a thought). And a lot of my in-laws, and for that matter, my own family, say “stupid” things, but when I understand when they are “coming from”(the belief), I am much more calm and compassionate.
    Love and Light to everyone on their Journey,
    PS I walked a 10K on October 2 with my friend and made it over the finish line!

  10. Alex October 5, 2011 at 10:12 am - Reply

    Shortly after I saw your free occurring videos, I remember one of the first occurrings I identified was that my brother acted in very stupid ways. After reading your stuff I’m much more understanding of people’s behavior and actions.

  11. Bill Nonte October 5, 2011 at 9:01 am - Reply


    Great post! I can’t tell you how many times I used to look at people in amazement saying “how in the world can they think that way?!!” ( as if there is ony one way to think.) After purchasing your Natural Confidence course, talking to you and Shelly, and reading your many posts I now know that most of the time my reality is not THE truth but rather just A truth. It is so wonderful to know that debilitating beliefs can be changed. Obviously, you must want to change in order to change. The more people we can get to understand the A vs THE concept, the better off we all will be! Thanks for all the great work you and Shelly are doing!!


  12. Joseann October 5, 2011 at 7:35 am - Reply

    Hi Morty, it makes sense to look at world from this angle. I always forget to do that, I am so used to only looking at myself as being crazy and having beliefs that I forget that this might apply also to other people. However, while it is interesting to think about what their beliefs might be, I still of course have to suffer from their behaviour that is based on their beliefs. If those beliefs suck, people’s behaviour sucks, or not and I have to deal with it. Unless they change their beliefs, how can it be easier to find common ground? Not everybody is willing to go through your program or is there a trick how to get people to questioning their beliefs in normal life? Somehow, knowing all this actually increases sometimes my upset as I see what causes the problem but I still can’t do anything about it.

    • Morty Lefkoe October 5, 2011 at 12:54 pm - Reply

      Hi Joseann,

      The way to deal with it is to dissolve your “occurring,” which is what I teach in my Occurring Course. When you stop giving meaning to the behavior of others, you stop having emotional reactions to their behavior.


  13. Morty,

    As usual you make some very good points. You make a very good distinction between reality (what’s going on BETWEEN your ears) and actuality (what is really happening).

    Even the responses to what you wrote demonstrate the difference between reality/actuality. Different beliefs and occurrings allows some to perceive a need for greater sensitivity while others did not feel that particular charge in their BS-Belief System.

    Just goes to show you, like my Grampa Vetter said, “We are always giving our BS but we only call others on their BS when it has a charge different from our BS. We are all full of BS-Belief System.”

    To Your Best,
    Dr. Vetter – DocResults.com
    P.S. I appreciate your co-authorship on “Sacred Cows Dancing Volume #1 Financial Enlightenment For Today”.

  14. Olivia October 5, 2011 at 5:47 am - Reply


    I’m trying to share this article with my children but it doesn’t seem to work.

    Thank you.

    • Morty Lefkoe October 6, 2011 at 7:29 pm - Reply

      Hi Olivia,

      Sorry you are having a problem.

      I just tried it using Firefox and it worked fine. What seems to be the problem?

      Love, Morty

      • Olivia October 10, 2011 at 6:05 pm - Reply


        when I click on “Mail it” nothing happens. I tried few times without a success.


  15. R October 5, 2011 at 4:41 am - Reply

    I get what Morty was saying here, maybe a re-wording would be beneficial to make it less of a generalisation and as you say such a sensitive subject needs careful handling.

  16. Alex October 5, 2011 at 4:29 am - Reply

    “Palestinians use violence as the only avenue they claim remains open to them to try to…”

    Are you sure? Isn’t the vast majority of Palestinian people peaceful and just trying to make the best out of a sad and difficult situation..?

    I know you added that you were giving a “condensed description”, but isn’t giving such a description “dangerous” considering the seriousness of the situation in the Middle East and considering that peace will never be achieved without a great sense of sensitivity and nuance on all sides?

    • Starla October 5, 2011 at 6:37 pm - Reply

      I was about to write the same thing.. I visited Palestine and Israel last year and found both people to be peaceful, it’s the officials that are the hatemongers, and they simply retaliate back and forth. If only one of them would stop it would maybe open up a dialogue..

  17. matt October 5, 2011 at 4:23 am - Reply

    Dear Morty ,
    Hello ! I hope all is well with you today . I tried eliminating a belief for free. I did feel that the belief is gone . I understand how the meaning that we give to events is only in our mind, but I don’t understand how events have no meaning at all just the meaning we give to them. The reason I guess that I don’t understand what you say that beliefs that we never realy SAW have no meaning at all is that because you seem to be coming from a different premise than what many of us out in the world have decided to believe . Many of us in the world believe some things by faith like Jesus . My question – Is it possible for us who believe in such things such as Jesus that we can not see ,but regard them to be reality by faith ,but still use the lefkoe method to get rid of our rediculous limiting beliefs that don’t serve us well ?

    • Morty Lefkoe October 6, 2011 at 7:31 pm - Reply

      Hi Matt,

      You can have any religious beliefs or religious faith. That has nothing to do with eliminating limiting beliefs.

      If you follow all the steps of the process the belief will be gone. Don’t stop to think about other theoretical issues, just complete each step of the process.


      • Matt October 7, 2011 at 8:14 am - Reply

        Thanks Morty !

  18. Richard October 5, 2011 at 2:37 am - Reply

    Great post.
    Everyone’s doing the best they can, according to how they see the world. If we all remembered that there wouldn’t be anywhere near as much strife in the world…

    That said, it’s one thing to “learn” something (like this concept) and quite another to remember it and make it part of your basic behaviour!

    • Morty Lefkoe October 6, 2011 at 7:34 pm - Reply

      Hi Richard,

      Because it can be difficult to realize the difference between reality and how it occurs to you all the time, I created a course that trains people how to do that automatically. And once they can make the distinction all the time easily, they learn to dissolve the “occurring” quickly and easily.

      The results are miraculous. Living without any judgment!


  19. Laura October 5, 2011 at 2:27 am - Reply

    Thank you for this post Morty, it came on the day I felt intense anger towards my neighbours for the way they treat their dog. In fact, it’s the day I first said out load to myself that they’re stupid and ignorant. I’m not proud of these thoughts, they upset me as I have always tried to see things from others’ point of view (through their beliefs). My extreme thoughts now come from my feelings of a lack of control over my life. Their dog is kept in a confined area all day and night, no walks, no attention, no love. So it barks, and barks and barks (it’s barking has driven us to stay indoors and have the windows closed most of the summer). I understand that the dog is lonely and I feel great compassion for her, I also understand to a degree that I’m living in Spain where the treatment of animals is very different from the uk. There’s no way to discuss this with our neighbours as, due to other events, they refuse to speak to us. How do I live in a situation like this with love and compassion?

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