Imagine the foundation of your life being filled with confidence, clarity, and action.
Do you…
- Feel stuck?
- Have a fear of failing or rejection?
- Procrastinate around things you truly want?
- Feel strong, negative feelings in certain situations?
A message from Founder Shelly Lefkoe
Eliminate a Limiting Belief Right Now. Try it for FREE
Plus get our weekly emails with your next action steps, our newsletter chock full of support and a free video that guides you through eliminating more negative beliefs.
Eliminate a Problem Belief Right Now. Try it for FREE
Plus get our weekly emails with your next action steps, our newsletter chock full of support and a free video that guides you though eliminating more negative beliefs.
I continue to find your articles helpful to me personally and professionally. I had limited myself for years believing I wasn’t “good enough”
I really enjoy reading your articles. They always challenge me to examine the way that I view the world and reality, and they have really helped me to manage my emotional life.
They write well about fascinating ideas and teachings. They have a clear, intelligent logical approach, and more importantly write from experience with heart, warmth, honesty and vulnerability.
Just a quick note to thank you for your weekly insightfulness and addition to your courses through your weekly blog. I find it helpful to read your blog weekly as it reinforces the work that we have done together.
There’s more actionable advice in Morty’s blog than in most of the self-help books out there (I know because I’ve read most of them). Plus it’s free. So I urge you to start reading it, today!
I’ve seen positive changes in my own life that come directly from his blogs. This means a lot coming from a psychotherapist trained extensively in models of psychotherapy.
It is one thing to know something intellectually and another to actually feel it and fully believe it. This was truly a positive life changing experience. I will pass it on to all of my friends.
Listening to you was a major “Aha!” moment for me. I’ve experienced enormous and recurring relief, knowing that I don’t ever have to struggle again, and I’m perfectly worthwhile. Opportunities have come pouring through the door since that “Aha!” moment
Get curious about what holds you back and have the profound possibility of immediate change.
- Step by step process that eliminates negative beliefs for good
- Discover what is holding you back and raise your self esteem
- Learn how to “unlearn”, the key To producing lasting change
- Learn to dissolve negative “meanings” to everyday events
- How to really get rid of anger and fear
- Reduce daily stress by over 50%
Results From Removing a Belief for Free
I’m really happy about the instant results I’ve gotten releasing the three free beliefs. It feels SO GOOD, I just feel like giggling several times a day, especially when I recognize something that would have evoked an old belief, and NOTHING HAPPENS. Nothing feels really good! Thanks! I’m very grateful to you for your clean, crisp, cut through the baloney method.
Thank you so much for your work! I did the “I’m not good enough” process last week and thought I wanted to do it again, but when I went back to it, I realized I no longer believe it. How fun! My interactions with others are changing (for the better) even with people I simply pass on the sidewalk or usually see on the bus. Strangers are smiling at me and saying “Hello”. I plan to do the “I’m not capable” process in a few minutes.
When I received the invitation to eliminate a belief for free, I’m afraid I just snorted in gentle disbelief (hadn’t I forked out hundreds of dollars for programmes claiming to do exactly that and hadn’t it all been a waste of money?). But it was free, so what did I have to lose? When I eliminated the first belief (I’m not good enough), it went so deep (I always thought I had OK self-esteem and not realised how deeply my inferiority complex had influenced every area of my life), Later, I bought one of your programmes. It was worth every cent. Now I find I don’t react the way I used to, my hair-trigger temper (which used to be tripped by perceived slights and insults) is no longer hair-trigger and I just take on challenges without constipating about it. I think the changes have been profound and for something that actually works, it was cheap at the cost. I have recommended it to everyone I know and will continue to do so. Thank you Morty.
I’ve gone to your free site and eliminated the “I’m not important” and the other two videos you offered, and immediately felt a decided difference in how I felt. Not just about my “self” but also about the world around me. I am not so self-conscious as I used to be, and I’ve found myself singing when I’m alone in the car or the house. I love to sing, and I haven’t been happy enough to do it in a very long time. Thank you, sir, for giving me back joy and peacefulness. Always happy to grow more. I’ve been working on myself for a very long time! Life is good!