The tens of millions of people who are interested in self-improvement have two different but related focuses: financial success and personal growth.

People who primarily are interested in financial success seek out products that promise to help them make more money and end up with more wealth. Such people are usually willing to pay more for their courses and webinars than for courses that only improve their emotional well-being.

People who primarily are interested in personal growth usually want to change their behavior, such as stop procrastinating, and their emotions, such as stop their anxiety and anger. People for whom this is the goal usually are willing to pay far less for such products. Some of these people, especially those who have a strong spiritual bent, even think that being spiritual precludes them from pursuing money.

So although sometimes there is an overlap between these two groups, people tend to have one focus or the other.

There is an inextricable connection

But even for the people who do pursue both goals, I’m not sure that many people interested in self improvement are aware that there is an inextricable connection between the two areas of life.

Although financial success can be affected by many different factors—including what product or service you are offering, the quality of the offering, to what market, competition, at what price, etc.—oneof the most critical factors that is often ignored but that significantly affects your financial success is your mental/emotional state.

Because my expertise is on how beliefs affect our lives, I’ll focus on the impact of beliefs, but whether the source of dysfunctional behavior and emotions are beliefs or anything else, the chance of achieving and enjoying financial success in today’s world is slim unless you are able to get rid of your dysfunctional behavior and emotions.

Let me explain why.

For many years, success in business depended on showing up every day and doing what you were told. If you did it well enough for long enough, you’d usually move up through the organization you worked for and end up with a nice pension.

Financial success requires personal growth

Today showing up and doing the “right” thing is no longer enough, whether you work for yourself or for others. More and more organizations are looking for creative, innovative, imaginative people who will figure out for themselves what needs to be done instead of waiting to be told. And if you work for yourself, then merely doing what others do, the way others do it, is unlikely to provide significant financial success.

Today the world is looking for the intellectually curious, the people who are willing to take risks, who, as Seth Godin puts it, are willing to “poke the box.”

If that is what financial success requires in today’s fast-changing world—where what worked yesterday is probably not what is going to work today and certainly won’t be what works tomorrow—than your behavior and emotional state are crucial.

Beliefs that hinder financial success

What is the chance of you being innovative, taking chances, doing what makes sense to you whether others approve or not, etc. if you have even just a few of the following beliefs?

  • I’m not good enough.
  • Mistakes and failure are bad.
  • If I make a mistake or fail I’ll be rejected.
  • I’m inadequate.
  • I’m not important.
  • What makes me good enough and important is having others think well of me.
  • I’m not capable.
  • I’m not competent.
  • I’m powerless.

And that list of self-esteem beliefs doesn’t even include specific beliefs about money, such as:

  • Money is hard to get.
  • Money is a struggle.
  • There’s never enough money.

In addition to the beliefs, what if also you have been conditioned to feel fear if you are rejected, if you are criticized or judged, or if you don’t live up to the expectations of others?

People with beliefs and conditionings like these will have a hard time doing what they need to do to achieve financial success. Yes, they can learn what to do from a lot of great books and courses, but it will still be difficult to implement that really useful advice.

A client buys the house of her dreams

My wife Shelly—who is a Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator who helps over 25 clients a week get rid of limiting beliefs—told me the following story that illustrates this point. She had a client who eliminated a few negative self-esteem beliefs and other negative beliefs about achieving financial abundance. One day she got a call from this client who wanted to share some exciting news with her. The client and three of her friends had attended a T. Harv Eker workshop, after which she had bought the summer house of her dreams.

The client attributed her new possession to what she learned in the workshop. Shelly listened and then asked the client what her friends had purchased. The client responded that they hadn’t bought anything or done anything to improve their financial condition after the workshop.

At that point Shelly pulled out the client’s file and read her some of the beliefs she had eliminated before she attended the workshop: I’m not deserving, Money is scarce and hard to get, You should always save for a rainy day, I’ll never get what I want, and I’m not important.

Shelly then asked her, “Do you think you would have spent the money and bought the summer house of your dreams if you still had the beliefs you eliminated?” The stunned silence at the other end of the phone line was the answer.

Obviously merely getting rid of limiting beliefs and conditionings is not sufficient to insure financial abundance. You have to take action. But the ability to take the type of actions required for financial success in today’s world require the ability to not be stopped by your fear of making mistakes, by what you think others may think of your behavior, or by a lack of confidence.

So if financial success is your focus—and there is nothing wrong with that focus—make sure you handle your personal growth first. It probably will give you a better chance to achieve financial success and it certainly will enable you to enjoy it more.

What do you think about the relationship between personal growth and financial success? Please write your comments below.

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If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to where you can eliminate one negative belief free.

For information about eliminating 23 of the most common limiting beliefs and conditionings, which cause eight of the most common problems in our lives, and get a separate video of the WAIR? Process, please check out:

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copyright ©2011 Morty Lefkoe



  1. Dividend Champion December 30, 2014 at 1:24 pm - Reply

    I agree there’s a close connection between financial success and personal development! My favorite piece of advice is from Coach George Raveling to read 30 minutes before you go to sleep at night. If you read more that’s great, but at least you are making sure you go to bed with more knowledge than when you woke up.

  2. Denise August 30, 2011 at 8:37 am - Reply

    What you failed to mention is age. Suddenly, people in their fifties and sixties are losing jobs and pensions. They are being forced to compete in a market that does not want to hire anyone over forty and social security is also threatened. Some are forced to start collecting at the lower rate because they can no longer collect unemployment. My challenge to you is to create a viable program for those of us who must face the same “new” economy as our children but are being shut out because of agism.

  3. Dyarl August 24, 2011 at 9:34 am - Reply

    Thank you Jasmine,

    I would like to know more about, “getting your mind right”. Any suggestions?

  4. Jasmine August 20, 2011 at 11:41 am - Reply

    I believe we all are where we need to be at the moment.
    Having said that, we can all strive to improve ourselves.
    Something I have experienced is that if you don’t “get your mind right”
    before you aquire something you have been wishing for you are probably
    not going to be truly happy once it arrives.

    I believe that there are cretain lessons we all need to learn before we can
    move foward.

    • Alex August 23, 2011 at 1:22 pm - Reply

      Truly truth )

    • Sunny September 20, 2011 at 1:56 am - Reply

      Reading this makes my decisonis easier than taking candy from a baby.

  5. Thomas August 18, 2011 at 3:16 am - Reply

    On 31th of december i decided to become a millionaire. The most interesting part of my journey is, for that aim i have to become the right person first! Never before in my life i had put so much effort on my personal development – and i’m sure i will reach my goal soon … :-)

  6. Justin | Mazzastick August 17, 2011 at 6:43 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    I absolutely agree. I started my personal growth journey back in 1997. I purchased Tony Robbin’s Personal Power 2 off of the television infomercial.

    After listening to the audio programs and doing the workbook exercises I bought my first home a month later. So yes, personal growth and money do go hand in hand.

  7. Barbara August 17, 2011 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    This makes so much sense. Reading down your list of examples, I came up with a combo that fits me:
    “What makes me good enough and important is making enough money to be financially independent.”
    Thanx, Morty. Now I have another belief to work on!

    • Joseann August 22, 2011 at 1:07 am - Reply

      Just curious:
      when you eliminate this belief, what is the result?
      That you are good enough and important whether you are financially independent or not? I mean, if you feel good enough and important already, would you still strive for financial independence?

      • Morty Lefkoe August 22, 2011 at 7:35 am - Reply

        Hi Joseann,

        You certainly could have a high level of self-esteem and desire financial independence. Wanting money is not a function of low self-esteem.

        Love, Morty

        • Joseann August 22, 2011 at 9:20 am - Reply

          Hi Morty, thanks for your answer. I am not sure what you mean by this:
          “Wanting money is not a function of low self-esteem.” I thought that many people who feel unimportant or not good enough hold the belief that, once they are rich, this changes?

          • Jackie August 23, 2011 at 2:24 pm

            Hi, interesting discussion.

            Re Money & Self esteem –

            I suppose it would depend on the reasons why you wanted the money and what you thought it might make you feel or could accomplish if you had it.

            ie I’ll feel better about myself/be important/be less depressed/more successful if I have money (low self esteem), or having more money will enable me to fund a business/community/family project or employ others and will benefit a lot of people in practical ways (higher self esteem), for eg?

            Interesting ideas, thanks.


  8. JOAO August 17, 2011 at 5:39 am - Reply

    Ok, Morty this is good, but in fact I am still the same, i don´t change my mind just for see or read this.I become more frustrated as per many people got it and I don´t

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