When I first started helping clients whose major complaint was emotional eating—eating for emotional reasons when they really weren’t hungry—I assumed that the problem was caused by beliefs and conditioning, like most other behavioral or emotional problems.

But when all the beliefs and conditionings that appeared to be relevant had been eliminated, the problem usually was as bad as ever. At which point I went back to the drawing board.

I knew all about “classical” conditioning, in which a stimulus is conditioned to produce a behavioral or emotional response. So rejection or making a mistake can be conditioned to produce anxiety. Or being told what to do can be conditioned to produce anger. This type of conditioning was demonstrated by Pavlov’s dogs who were conditioned to salivate by the ringing of a bell. The Lefkoe Stimulus Process can easily de-condition this type of conditioning. But that type of conditioning didn’t seem relevant for emotional eating, which involves a behavior that seems compulsive.

There is another type of conditioning called “operant” conditioning. This type of conditioning is the result of rewarding or punishing a behavior. As a result you become conditioned to act in a certain way in order to achieve the “reward” or avoid the punishment. Merely desiring the reward results in the behavior.

In an earlier blog post about eating (October 13, 2009) I pointed out:

“… if every time you got upset as a child your mom gave you food to make you feel better, you could get conditioned to eat whenever you got upset in order to feel better.

“Or, if your parents continually rewarded you for special things you did as a child by giving you a special meal with the food you really liked, you could get conditioned to eat whenever you wanted to feel acknowledged for something you did.”

I finally realized that almost all emotional eating involves both types of conditioning.

So in order to help people with an emotional eating problem, I had to create a process that would easily, quickly, and permanently de-condition both “classical” and “operant” conditioning.

I started working on a process in 1997 and it took six revisions over the next 11 years before I finally had something that worked in most situations. I call it the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process (LDP) and I’ll describe how it works in a minute. The reason it took so long is that I wasn’t working with many individual clients and, even more importantly, the problems presented by the clients I did have didn’t need operant de-conditioning.

Then toward the end of last year a friend asked me to help him with his eating problem. I decided then to figure out how to permanently eliminate emotional eating, not just for him, but for others as well. So I worked with him and a few additional clients. Much to my surprise, in most cases there were very few beliefs involved. Their emotional eating was caused primarily by a combination of classical and operant conditioning. No wonder emotional eating has been so hard to stop and will power is so useless in the long run!

Consider this: first someone with an emotional eating problem conditions eating to produce emotional “rewards” (relieving anxiety or any other negative feeling, feeling loved, a sense of celebration, feeling calm, etc). In other words, the mere act of eating automatically results in emotional rewards. This classical conditioning would make it difficult enough to stop over-eating.

Then the problem is intensified by operant conditioning, where the behavior is conditioned to occur whenever there is a desire for the “reward.” In other words, merely desiring one of the emotional rewards (such as feeling loved, a sense of celebration, or feeling calm) will result in emotional eating, because you’ve learned that you’ll get this feeling each time you eat.

Behavior is conditioned by attributing need to a behavior that is not really needed. There is a shift from a behavior that occurred and then was arbitrarily rewarded, to a behavior that now occurs automatically and compulsively whenever you desire the reward (even if there is punishment following the behavior, such as gaining undesirable weight).

Operant conditioning is the emotional equivalent of a belief: You have the emotional sense that the behavior in question is the only way to get what you want. It’s like an emotional, rather than a cognitive, conclusion.

I now have four clients who say that their emotional eating has stopped completely as a result of all the de-conditioning they have done using the LDP.

One client reports that he hasn’t eaten except when he was actually hungry for over five months. And he doesn’t need to use will power; he just doesn’t feel like eating most of the time.

Another client wrote me:

“This is a terrific victory to not feeling compelled to eat all of the time. I actually have half bags of chips and cookies that I have had opened for several weeks—I have no desire for them now. It is wonderful.”

And another:

“I think about some really good homemade food in the fridge that I would normally pig out on and I just blow it off and think ‘Great. I’ll have that WHEN I AM HUNGRY.’ It is awesome to not be controlled by food.”

Here is a specific example from a client’s files that makes clear how this type of conditioning is created. One of the common emotional eating “sub-patterns” is “eating in order to experience love.” (Emotional eating is not a single problem, but the desire for 8-12 different emotional rewards, each of which lead to emotional eating.) This woman fed herself when she wasn’t feeling loved and wanted to feel loved.

As a child she frequently visited her grandmother, who always cooked a big meal for her and her family. As a little girl she experienced being loved by her grandmother when she ate everything on her plate.

So she got rewarded (she felt loved) when she ate. As a result she would feel loved whenever she ate. This is classical conditioning. And eating became conditioned so that she then compulsively ate whether she was hungry or not whenever she wanted to experience being loved. This is operant conditioning.

The Lefkoe De-conditioning Process includes what the Lefkoe Stimulus process does, namely it de-conditions stimuli so they no longer result in emotional responses. For example, eating will no longer produce positive emotional responses (other than satisfying hunger or enjoying the taste of food). In other words, eating will no longer produce the “rewards” it had produced in the past. In addition the LDP de-conditions the behavior so that merely desiring the emotional reward no longer automatically and compulsively leads to eating.

The essence of what makes the LDP so effective is having the client experience that she wanted the “reward” (e.g., feeling loved), not what got rewarded (e.g., eating). In other words, you want to get rid of loneliness or boredom, you don’t want to eat. It’s just that the eating produced that reward earlier in life. You want to numb your pain, you don’t want alcohol or drugs. It’s just that alcohol or drugs numbed you out earlier in life. You want attention, you don’t want to be sick. It’s just that being ill earlier in life got you attention. The client realizes that the reward is not contingent only on that particular behavior, but can be found in other ways.

When people use the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process to make these and other distinctions, both types of conditioning are de-conditioned. And the unwanted behavior stops. Permanently.

I’m really excited about these two breakthroughs. First, I developed a new theory that totally explains emotional eating: It is not a single problem but 8-12 different “rewards” that you eat to gain, and the emotional eating itself is caused both by classical and operant conditioning.

The second breakthrough is a single process that quickly, easily, and permanently de-conditions both conditionings.

If you’d like more information about how you can stop emotional eating or how the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process works, please contact me either at (415) 506-4472 or morty (at) lefkoeinstitute.com.

Please share any comments you have on the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process and how it can help people with eating issues and other conditioning problems.

These weekly blog posts also exist as podcasts. Sign up for the RSS feed or at iTunes to get the podcasts sent to you weekly.

If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to http://www.recreateyourlife.com/free where you can eliminate one limiting belief free.

To purchase DVD programs that we guarantee to eliminate eight of the most common daily problems people face, go to http://recreateyourlife.com/store/.

copyright © 2010 Morty Lefkoe


  1. Juliet January 20, 2017 at 3:47 pm - Reply

    Thank you for clarifying the mysteries of emotional eating and developing a process that is helping many people with emotional eating and other compulsive behaviors

  2. Tiffany August 11, 2013 at 3:48 pm - Reply

    Hello , I needed help in finding material that covers the topic of eating disorders and classical and operant conditioning please. I have a 10 page paper due this week and I searched my college library on-line with no luck :-( Thanks so much!!!

    • Morty Lefkoe August 11, 2013 at 7:29 pm - Reply

      I have a 32 page Kindle book that goes into more detail than this article. Check it out on Amazon, only 99 cents. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DP4QLFG

      Good luck on your paper.

      Love, Morty

  3. Tiffany August 11, 2013 at 3:45 pm - Reply

    Hello Morty,
    I see the last post was 2012. I have a 10 page paper for college due this week and we have to pick a topic of interest and chose eating disorders. The topic has to apply to classical and/or operant conditioning. I have a problem finding good references/articles that covers such a combination. I have to come up with 10 library references + articles can you lead me to any?

  4. Vanessa April 12, 2012 at 10:59 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    It sounds to me that this method could also be used to quit smoking. Is that something you have done or looked into and how did it go?

    • Morty Lefkoe April 12, 2012 at 6:10 pm - Reply

      Hi Vanessa,

      We haven’t tried it with smoking. With smoking there also is a chemical addiction, but the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process might be useful.

      Love, Morty

  5. Amanda December 22, 2010 at 10:25 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty, thanks for this post. Does your deconditioning program work for alcohol abuse? I have the NC program and wonder whether the four deconditioning sessions that are included (I’m not that far in the program yet) would help towards this?

    • Morty Lefkoe December 23, 2010 at 12:46 am - Reply

      Hi Amanda,

      We’ve helped people with an alcohol problem and it was caused mainly by beliefs. The new Lefkoe De-conditioning Process also might be useful.

      I don’t think the four conditionings are particularly relevant to alcohol abuse.

      Love, Morty

  6. Gracie August 24, 2010 at 10:13 pm - Reply

    Hiya dearest Morty,

    I heard a very interesting thing on the radio today, and it made me think of this column. It’s brilliant (imnsho) to find it’s both classical and operant conditioning. I’m wondering if the fact that conditioning is intermittent, often, has anything to do with how powerfully it becomes conditioned. I guess, to me, it won’t really matter, since I know the process works and the un-conditioning is what I’m really after. :)
    I just find it a true wonderment how easily humans seem to be conditioned, and it can happen with such a tiny (TINY) amount of reinforcement (conditioning, reward).
    love and hugs,

    • Morty Lefkoe December 23, 2010 at 12:47 am - Reply

      Hi Gracie,

      Yes, conditioning seems to happen fairly easily.

      Thanks for taking the time to post.

      Love, Morty

  7. Marius August 21, 2010 at 3:12 am - Reply

    Morty can you send me the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process. Thanks.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 21, 2010 at 8:27 am - Reply

      Hi Marius,

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      The Lefkoe De-conditioning Process, at present, is used by Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitators in one-on-one phone and Skype sessions to help clients anyplace in the world.

      Getting rid of an emotional eating problem requires from three to five sessions for most people, depending on how fast they work.

      Each session is 60 minutes long and the fee is $200 per session.

      If you are interested, please call us at (415) 506-4472 and set up an appointment.  We would be happy to help you get rid of your emotional eating problem, once and for all.

      Love, Morty

      • Marius August 21, 2010 at 10:58 am - Reply

        Can it be used for computer and internet addictions?

        • Morty Lefkoe August 21, 2010 at 12:54 pm - Reply

          Hi Marius,

          We’ve never tried working on those problems, but no reason why we couldn’t use the same tools and be successful.

          Regards, Morty

          • Addiction-free December 11, 2012 at 6:34 am

            Uncle Morty,

            Looks like you just eliminated my porn addiction through this post. Woo-hoo!

            Will confirm in a couple of days.

  8. Darlene August 20, 2010 at 11:39 am - Reply

    Thank you for answering. As I read the article again, after I had more time, I realized you covered my situation. I am going to make a purchase. Thanks for all your research, time, and understanding! Sincerely, Darlene Weinbrenner

    • Morty Lefkoe August 20, 2010 at 11:55 am - Reply

      Hi Darlene,

      Glad I was able to answer your questions.

      Thanks for your interest.

      Love, Morty

  9. Darlene August 20, 2010 at 8:46 am - Reply

    What if your parents did not ever reward you with food and you STILL eat emotionally? Maybe being deprived is yet another form of emotional eatting. I would appreciate any thoughts you have on this. Thanks so very much~

    • Morty Lefkoe August 20, 2010 at 10:32 am - Reply

      Hi Darlene,

      There are about 20 different rewards for emotional eating, such as eating to get calm, to celebrate, to shut down negative feelings, etc. Most have nothing to do with your mother rewarding you.

      Thanks for joining the discussion,

      Love, Morty

  10. Dacia August 19, 2010 at 7:30 am - Reply

    yes, conditioning….so true! When I was about 8 or 9 years old, my parents were going thru their divorce and I can remember a high level of anxiety throughout our house. I have a recollection of sitting on the floor in the kitchen, behind the kitchen table eating a whole box of crackers with cheese whip!! To change that thought or “belief” (memory) I now see my self sitting on the floor eating a half avacado or something else deliciously healthy!
    But I have to say, reading your email brought not only enlightenment but a intense craving for a square of dark chocolate….my afternoon delight! lol

  11. Juho August 19, 2010 at 6:37 am - Reply

    Brilliant. I’m putting this on my instapaper and reading it again with full awareness…

  12. Jeff August 19, 2010 at 12:35 am - Reply


    Are you looking for test subjects regarding emotional eating? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know……..

    • Morty Lefkoe August 19, 2010 at 10:43 am - Reply

      Hi Jeff,

      Sorry but we don’t need any “test” subjects. We’ve tested the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process on clients with emotional eating problems and we now are confident that it works.

      Thanks for your interest.

      Love, Morty

  13. Jason Linder August 18, 2010 at 4:04 pm - Reply

    Hey Morty,

    Could you apply this same logic about the two forms of conditioning, classical and operant, to get rid of not only emotional eating, but its opposites and counterparts, like Anorexia or Bulimia?

    Love Jason

    • Morty Lefkoe August 18, 2010 at 4:39 pm - Reply

      Hi Jason,

      We already have worked with these two problems, where there are a lot of beliefs and some classical conditioning.

      I’d like to work with more people with those conditions now to see if we could be more successful using the new process also.

      Love, Morty

  14. Leila August 18, 2010 at 6:11 am - Reply

    Hi Morty, I think this is a brilliant post. I’ve never read such a succinct description of such a difficult to cure problem. Most of the females in family of origin had this problem so I know how intractible and dangerous it can be. Thanks.

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