In order to make this blog post personally valuable to you, I’d like to start by asking you a couple of questions. First, whatever sport you play, how often do you play up to your potential, in other words, if you rate your best performance a 10, how often do you play at a 10? …

The next question I’d like to ask you is: If you can play at a 10 sometimes, why can’t you do it more frequently? You obviously have the physical skills and ability or you wouldn’t have been able to do it that one time. …

I’d like to suggest that the reason your game isn’t consistent and you don’t play up to your potential most of the time is strictly mental—specifically, your beliefs, feelings, and the meaning you give what happens while you play, all of which are within your power to change.

It’s not how good you play, but how often you play that well.

Obviously you need the appropriate skills for your sport but, as Jim Loehr (a sports psychologist who has worked with a number of successful professional athletes) points out, “the distinguishing trademark of great players in any sport is not so much their exceptional talent, but rather their exceptional ability to consistently play at the peak of their talent.” (Emphasis added.)

Many others agree. For example, a story in USA Today pointed out: “For years, golf’s top players have agreed: little separates the physical capabilities of the world’s 100 or so best players. The difference between success and failure, they agree, largely depends on their approach, their handling of crisis situations on the course, their response to pressure, the ability to handle their emotions and fears and doubts. In short, it’s the mental side of the game.” (Emphasis added.)

Does this sound like you?

If you’re like most serious amateur competitors, you don’t complain very much about your physical limitations. Here is a list of some of the most common complaints. Which sound familiar to you?

• “It’s not that I don’t know what to do, it’s that I don’t do what I know.”

• “The harder I try, the worse I seem to perform.”

• “I know exactly what I’m doing wrong on my forehand (or my putting, or my footwork, or my swimming stroke, etc.), but I just can’t seem to break the habit.”

• “When I concentrate on one thing I’m supposed to be doing, I flub something else.”

• “I’m my own worst enemy.”

Notice that every one of these complaints is a mental one. Moreover, all of them are the result of pressure you put on yourself.

In fact, Loehr contends, “If you can take the pressure off yourself, then winning will take care of itself.”

Why? What’s the connection between pressure and your ability to perform?

Tony Schwartz points out in a New York Magazine article that “Thoughts about losing or playing poorly may lead to fear and anxiety, which prompt an array of physiological reactions such as increased heart rate, muscle tightness, shortness of breath, reduced blood flow to the hands and feet, and even narrowing of vision. All of these reactions make it impossible to play up to one’s potential. ”

How do you react to mistakes?

According to Loehr:

“The emotional downfall for most players is mistakes. Mistakes can trigger strong emotional responses (disappointment, embarrassment, anger, temper, low intensity) that can cause inconsistent or poor play. For some players, nearly every mistake represents an emotional crisis. But it’s interesting to note that everyone manages mistakes the same way when they’re playing well. They simply turn and walk away confidently, as if nothing happened. Ideally, the best emotional response to mistakes is to get challenged. A mistake is simply feedback to the mental computer that the shot wasn’t perfect, that some adjustment is necessary. And the simple fact is that without mistakes, the learning process would be permanently blocked. No mistakes, no progress. But negative emotion also blocks the progress and is a natural response to mistakes. So what’s the answer? The answer is that players must train emotionally so that mistakes produce the right emotional response.” (Emphasis added.)

It might be possible to “train emotionally,” but ultimately emotions are the result of beliefs, conditionings, and how events occur to us. Eliminate the beliefs and conditionings—and learn how to dissolve your “occurrings—and the emotions change automatically.

Imagine the following: You have the belief that a ball being hit into the net (or into the water, etc., depending on your sport) is a mistake, and mistakes mean there is something wrong with you. Now imagine that the ball hits the net or goes into the water. What would you have to feel? … Angry at yourself, annoyed, frustrated, hopeless, etc.

Now imagine this scenario: You have the belief that there is no such thing as a mistake, that every result that isn’t what you intended is an opportunity to learn how to improve your game. Moreover, you believe that not achieving your intended result means nothing about you. Now imagine that the ball hits the net or goes into the water. What would you feel in this situation? … You might find it difficult to imagine right now that there are only outcomes and no mistakes, but just do your best to imagine the scenario I’ve just described. Okay? … What would you feel? … Challenged, calm, curious, or possibly nothing at all.

How stress affects the body

What happens physiologically when you think you’ve made a mistake and you think mistakes are bad? Too much negative energy, which gets translated into being too excited, too angry, or too anxious. Some typical signs of over arousal include:

• Legs feel weak and rubbery.

• Difficulty in concentrating and focusing.

• Everything seems to be going faster than it really is.

• Inability to think clearly and accurately.

• Attention gets focused on one thing and refocusing is difficult.

• Become fatigued very quickly.

Changing your beliefs about mistakes would minimize these conditions.

Stress Is an Interpretation

“The greatness of a Gretsky, a Connors, a Palmer, or an Evert is not that they perform well under pressure,” Loehr contends. “No one performs well under pressure. Their greatness is in their learned ability to take the pressure off. … In the face of great external pressure, these

[top] performers felt almost no anxiety. To the contrary, they felt calm and peaceful inside but also highly energized, positive, and enthusiastic…

“It is this skill that separates the superstars from the troops—they have the ability to take pressure off, transforming crisis into opportunity and threat into challenge. All that stands between you and that ability is your own head! … Pressure is something you put on yourself.” (Emphasis added.)

Nothing is inherently stressful. Contrary to common knowledge, there is no such thing as a “stressor.” In other words, stress doesn’t exist “out there” and nothing “out there” causes stress. Stress originates in the mind and exists only in the mind; it’s the result of an interpretation. Change the interpretation by changing beliefs or dissolving the meaning you just gave to an event and the stress will disappear.

For example, assume you had a project to complete and had a number of limiting beliefs, including I’m not capable and Nothing I do is good enough. What would you feel as you began the project? … Some level of stress. And it would feel as if the project was causing the stress, wouldn’t it?

Now let’s assume you had the same project but had the opposite beliefs, including I am capable and Whatever I do is good enough. If your beliefs made you feel confident that you would do a good job, do you still think the project would make you feel stress? … Unlikely. Same project, but different beliefs would result in stress or no stress.

By changing your beliefs and dissolving your occurrings, something that had been experienced as stressful can be experienced as fun or challenging.

By the way, did you notice that although the specific examples I gave had to do with sports, everything I said about the source and consequences of stress is just as applicable to everything else in life?

Thanks for reading my blog. Do you agree or disagree with the points I made in this post? Why? Do you have something to add? Your comments will add value for thousands of readers. I read them all and respond to as many as I can.

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If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to where you can eliminate one limiting belief free.

This post is a revised version of a post that first appeared in 2009.

Copyright © 2009-2012 Morty Lefkoe

Use this information to improve your life

Think about any sport that you engage in regularly and see if you can identify a few beliefs that might be affecting your game. How much would your game improve if you eliminated those beliefs? Try it.


  1. Ettina February 16, 2013 at 9:31 am - Reply

    So true Morty, your article is just the reminder I needed lately. Thank you so much for twitting this blog! I will re-tweet. I have been getting scrambled lately and easily stressed. Been telling myself that it’s not real (but not doing my hypnosis lately) . So I just love clicking on this and reading it. I started relaxing right away. A reminder, I am putting to much pressure on myself. I DO think and perform better without that pressure!

  2. lusana December 6, 2012 at 5:03 am - Reply

    What a useful post,I am not a great sports fan but this is so easially adapted to all areas of life.Since doing the confidence and occurrrings courses and also haveing some one to one sessions I can honestly say that in the last 4 months my life has been transformed,I encourage all of you who have not taken oppourtunity to take part in these

  3. Sean December 5, 2012 at 5:51 pm - Reply

    Since I started eliminating beliefs two years ago, thanks to you, and since I started dissolving my occurrings one year ago, the stress level in my life is easily 10 percent of what it used to be. With regard to sports, I found that I had neglected some boating interests of mine and I noticed that I felt a level of stress on my boat that previously I had dismissed as “part of life” . These days if I feel stress over anything, it feels out of place where it used to feel normal. So, I asked myself and I found and eliminated the beliefs, “my boat is bound to sink” and “I’ll drown if I go out too far”. Wow. Who knew? I have a lot more fun and focus better now when I’m on the water. Plus my wife says I’m a joy to live with. Thanks Morty. I have a happy life, on a daily basis, thanks to your ideas.


  4. James December 5, 2012 at 10:55 am - Reply

    Hi Morty

    Thank you for the enlightening blog post. I agree 100 percent!
    Especially that emotional training should include eliminating beliefs, conditioned responses, and how events occur to us.

  5. Heather December 5, 2012 at 9:15 am - Reply

    Morty, you have described and explained the core issues surrounding performance and stress beautifully! This article presents all the key facts and tells how to deal with them. These are the things I wish I’d known long ago.

  6. Oliver December 5, 2012 at 5:18 am - Reply

    Great post, and very true.

    I’ve experienced this so many times in my life. Most recently, when it comes to my running…
    Before, I used to run and try and, ‘force’ myself to get to a certain distance without stopping and taking a break.
    Of course, this didn’t always work, and I would be slightly frustrated as a result…
    These days, I just say to myself, ‘you can stop anytime you want…’ And guess what happens- the pressure is taken off, and I keep on running;-)

    It’s a very basic example that proves that adding your own pressure tends to do more harm than good

    Thanks for the excellent read;-)

    • Heather December 5, 2012 at 9:26 am - Reply

      Thanks for sharing, Oliver! I was doing the same thing, trying to run certain distances. Now I say, so what if I stop? Does it make me a bad person or a bad runner? No. Does it ruin my efforts or plan or training? No. It only does that if I think it does. So now I run and remind myself to enjoy it. I still set goals, but I keep it in check by not assigning meaning to that. When I just run for the fun of it, I’m surprised how fast and far I go.

  7. KONSTANTINOS December 5, 2012 at 1:02 am - Reply

    Excellent post, Mortey!

    It seems that the issue of beliefs is applicable to every aspect of life, from sports to… relationships.

    I have witnessed a great deal of change in my life since I started filterring every occuring under the spectrum of beliefs. All my family and friends have noticed a shift in my attitude and many wanted to know how I did it..It goes without saying that I have advertised for you passionately!

    One question: I reside in Greece which, as you have probably heard, faces an unprededented fiscal crises, with tremendous budget, pension, benefit and salary cutts. As you can understand, the emotional state of the avergage Greek is particularly pessimmistic. I can tell you that it is pretty hard to stay possitive when everything you hear on the street, in gatherings and the news is so damn negative and “kassandras” predict the worse..

    I, as n individual, have managed to escape this popular negative feeling. My question is, do u think it can be done nation-wide?

    Take care!


    • Pat December 5, 2012 at 1:40 am - Reply

      Hi, Morty

      Reading your mail outside a stressful situation it all make sense. But, I seem to forget all of it once under stress. Only after the dust have satteled and I can think clearly again.

    • Morty Lefkoe December 16, 2012 at 6:14 pm - Reply


      If some organization or government agency asked me to figure out a way to do it nationwide I probably could figure out a way, but it would take some time and without someone to use what I developed, I have too many other things to do.

      Love, Morty

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