If you’re reading this blog post you probably are interested in transformation. But I suspect that what you mean by transformation is very different from what others mean by the same word.

I’m a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a group of “transformational” leaders, and I’ll bet if I asked each member what he/she meant by the term transformation we would get almost as many definitions as there are members.

So I would like to suggest a definition of transformation, not as the last word on the subject, but as a starting place for a discussion that I hope you will join after reading this post.

A butterfly emerging from its cocoon. (Photo by Randy Read)

Three types of change

I’d like to start by distinguishing between three very different types of change. Let’s call them first, second, and third order change.  (I got my idea about three types of change from Gregory Bateson’s distinction between three types of learning in his book, Steps to an Ecology of Mind.)

First order change is a change in behavior that is consistent with your existing worldview, your existing beliefs, your existing “creation” (who you think you are). Let me give you an example.  If you believe exercise is good and you like to exercise and you have beliefs that lead you to exercise regularly—and then you learn about a different exercise routine that would be better for your health—you probably would start using the new routine.

First order change is a change in behavior that does not require a change in one’s beliefs, in one’s view of oneself, in one’s “creation.”  It only requires information you didn’t know before.

Second order change is a change in who we think we are in order to  implement a change that is inconsistent with who we think we are.


In an earlier post I made the point that information and motivation usually do not result in change because often information is inconsistent with your belief system.  And in the long run, it is difficult to act inconsistently with your beliefs.

So if we believe exercise is not necessary, that we don’t have time for it (because it is way down on our list of values), and that it is not fun, then learning about a new exercise or even learning that exercise is good for our health probably will not result in us using the new information we have gotten about exercising.

In order for that to happen, we need to change something about ourselves, probably our beliefs about exercise.

Second order change is a shift in your worldview, your beliefs, your “creation”—that opens up new possibilities for new actions that weren’t possible before.

If second order change is changing from one creation (our overall view of who we think we are) to a different creation, then third order change is being able to distinguish yourself as the creator of your creation. As such you have the ability to create a new creation at any time, which would create new possibilities and make any new information useable.

Categorizing offerings from the Lefkoe Institute

When I take a look at what we at the Lefkoe Institute offer people, I would say that my blog and most of my videos are representative of first order change.  In other words, they provide information that will be useful and used by people who already have certain beliefs and will not be used (or even understood) by people with different beliefs.

If second order change consists of changing your beliefs and your “creation,” then the processes that eliminate beliefs and conditionings on all of our streaming video and DVD packages and in our one-on-one sessions provide second order change.

For example, in the Natural Confidence program you change from someone with a low level of self-confidence to someone with a high level of self-confidence.  You also change from someone who is concerned about what others think of you to someone who is no longer concerned with what others think of you.

In fact, whenever you eliminate even one belief, you are changing your creation.  You can see possibilities for your life that you couldn’t see before and you can do and feel things you couldn’t do and feel before.

To make this real, ask yourself what are the possibilities for a nurturing, long-term relationship for someone with the beliefs: I’m not lovable, relationships don’t work, men/women can’t be trusted.  And what are the possibilities for someone with the opposite beliefs: I am lovable, relationships can work, and men/women can be trusted?  Can you get how changing a few beliefs can drastically shift your sense of yourself and change the possibilities in your life?

Helping people stop their emotional eating using the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process is another example of a second order change program.  Who you think you are changes from someone with an eating problem to someone who no longer has that eating problem.  For someone who struggles daily with the problem of overeating, being able to totally eliminate that problem is not a negligible thing.  This second order change program is life-changing.  So I am not minimizing second order change programs.

So what is an example of a third order change program?  The Who Am I Really? (WAIR?) Process, which is offered on all our streaming video and DVDs packages, and is a part of most of our one-on-one sessions, enables you to experience yourself as the creator of your creation.  In that state you profoundly experience that you are not merely any given creation, you are the creator of all of them.

Our new Occurring Course is a good example of a third order change program because you learn how to change your experience of life at will by dissolving what you had thought was reality (in other words, how reality was occurring for you) and be left facing naked reality, without any meaning attached to it.  Learning how to use the Lefkoe Occurring Process (LOP) in this course enables you to shift how you experience life, to eliminate negative feelings in moments, and to create a host of new possibilities for your life.

Interestingly enough, using the LOP to dissolve your “occurrings” usually puts you into the same “creator state” as the WAIR? Process, where you experience no limitations and unlimited possibilities. In this altered state of consciousness you experience yourself as the creator of your life, not as a specific creation.


All three types of change can be extremely valuable

 Getting information you did not have before that you are able to use to improve your life can make a profound impact on your life (first order change).


Shifting your experience of yourself from one creation to another and creating new possibilities for your life that did not exist before can make a profound impact on your life (second order change).


And distinguishing yourself as the creator of your life—as opposed to a specific creation—and being able to change your experience of yourself and life at will can make a profound impact on your life (third order change).

So classifying change and programs that produce change into three categories is not at all meant to diminish one type or exalt another.  All are different and each can be useful in different situations.

However, I suggest that the term “transformation” be reserved for the third type of change.  This is change that results in you distinguishing yourself as the changer and not that which is being changed, that empowers you to initiate continued change on your own, and that enables you to create your experience of life moment by moment.

Please share below any comments you have on first, second, and third order change and my ideas on transformation.

These weekly blog posts also exist as podcasts.  Sign up for the RSS feed or at iTunes to get the podcasts sent to you weekly.

If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to htp://www.recreateyourlife.com/free where you can eliminate one limiting belief free.

To purchase a DVD program that I guarantee to help you significantly improve your confidence and also eliminate the major day-to-day problems that most people face, please check out http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

copyright © 2010 Morty Lefkoe


  1. Morty Lefkoe October 14, 2010 at 9:52 pm - Reply

    Hi Jeffrey,

    I’ve never personally used NLP or hypnosis. We have had many clients who had tried those modalities before they came to us.

    You have nothing to lose with us. You get a lifetime guarantee (which I don’t think the other two offer) so if you don’t get what we guarantee you can return our program and then try theirs.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Love, Morty

  2. Jeffery Bradley October 14, 2010 at 8:07 pm - Reply

    Thanks Lauren,
    Have you ever worked with NLP or Hypnosis or both? How do those concepts compare to the Lefkoe Method? I’ve been reading about Paul McKenna’s self improvement product where he combines hypnosis with NLP.

  3. Lauren October 14, 2010 at 7:34 pm - Reply

    I went through 3 beliefs a day when I was doing Natural Confidence, but, of course, it’s up to you. I’ve heard of people doing it in a day, so it’s what you’re comfortable with. And you will feel changed or what I would call cleaning off the dirt(limiting beliefs)that obscured reality.
    Love and Light,

  4. Jeffery Bradley October 14, 2010 at 7:26 pm - Reply

    Mr. Lefkoe,

    In an effort to bring positive long lasting immediate changes in my life I’m considering your Natural Confidence program. At the same time, however, I’m investigating NLP and Hypnosis (Paul McKenna). Which one do you think is more effective and why? Also, how do you do your program …. all at once, once a day, or on a consistent basis? Thank you in advance for your quick response.

  5. serafettin October 14, 2010 at 2:33 pm - Reply

    hı morty,
    recently ı have awared of you and your stuff by a frıend of mine,and ı have couple of questıons to you,before ıt your content lıst ı admıt very ınterestıng and very up to date,ı nearly have all the core belıefs you mentıon! any more ıt make me very tıred..for example ı have a very ımportant problem about focusıng on what ı ınterest or love,even thinking of sitting down and work on somethıng ı need about my work or lessons makes me bore very strongly aand ı always postpone what ı have to do and make me feel compunction every time ıt occurs thıs way and always resulting faiılure on my objectives..!ı fed up thıs ı want to sıt down easıly and easıly focus on my target and go deeper and deeper.whatıs the problem mr.morty and what to do to resolve thıs for ever more ın my lıfe? becouse ıf ıt cant be elemınated at last prevent me from doıng anythıng ın my lıfe.wıthout forget ı have to say ıf somone teaches and guıdes me ın the process ı mean nearly everytıme pyscically near me and helps me ı can do workıng and focus but when ı am alone ı cant do anythın as a routıne as ı need.lookıng forward to waıtıng for your answer thanks alot
    best regards

    • Morty Lefkoe October 14, 2010 at 5:41 pm - Reply

      Hi Serafettin,

      I can’t know all the beliefs you might have that are responsible for your problems without having a session with you and talking with you.

      What we do in our one-on-one phone or Skype sessions is help you identify exactly what your problem is, then find the beliefs and conditionings that cause it, and then help you eliminate them, so the problem will disappear.

      If you have any other specific questions or want to set up an appointment for a session, please call us at (415) 506-4472.

      Love, Morty

  6. Bindu October 14, 2010 at 7:19 am - Reply

    Hey Morty,

    I started taking the beliefs and had a question. Can I do eliminating one belief a day or would it be effective having a gap may be a week before I go for the next belief. I am seeing a shift in thought and overall conciousness but I wanted to make sure that I just don’t take all the beliefs one after the other right away and realize that is not what I am supposed to do it and that I need to give enough time to remove a belief and get used to it.


    • Morty Lefkoe October 14, 2010 at 7:21 am - Reply

      Hi Bindu,

      You can certainly eliminate one belief a day. In private one-one-one sessions we can help a client eliminate four beliefs in an hour.

      Love, Morty

  7. Lauren October 13, 2010 at 12:22 pm - Reply

    Love the way you distinguished the three levels of change. I feel like a pioneer now that I’ve completed the N.C. and the Occurring Course. I noticed since I’m not at the mercy of my occurrings, I can watch and listen and observe everyone else, esp. family. I learning a lot about how they react and then I can choose whether or not to say anything. I feel as if I am building up a store of knowledge for my writing just by doing this, as well.
    “However, I suggest that the term “transformation” be reserved for the third type of change. This is change that results in you distinguishing yourself as the changer and not that which is being changed, that empowers you to initiate continued change on your own, and that enables you to create your experience of life moment by moment.”
    Transformed is exactly how I feel. I’ve recovered the feeling of trusting my thoughts and feelings and dreams and passions that I was born with.
    I have the Natural Confidence DVD and I checked for the word “Bonus” in the left hand corner and it wasn’t there. Will you be sending an additional DVD with the bonuses or create a link to it?
    Love and Light,

    • Morty Lefkoe October 13, 2010 at 12:42 pm - Reply

      Hi Lauren,

      Yeah!! on feeling transformed. I am so excited about all the changes you have made as a result of your work with us. And you will discover more as time goes on.

      The bonuses are available on the streaming video version. Almost everyone who purchases the DVD also got the streaming video (no extra charge).

      If you can’t find your access info, please call Karen at (415) 506-4472.

      Love, Morty

  8. paul October 13, 2010 at 9:25 am - Reply

    Hey morty thank you. each time i open one of your blog post i am thinking i already know everything concerning personal development. but each time once i read the post i get a completely new insight. each post deepen even more my understanding of all our potential as human being and how to implement the changes. so thank you. whenever possible for me financially i will buy one of your programs and try it. i think i have been stuck at the first order change for years and i definitely want to move forward. i now understand that i can not settle for less than the third order transformation.

    • Morty Lefkoe October 13, 2010 at 12:26 pm - Reply

      Hi Paul,

      I’m glad that my posts are useful (first order change can be very useful).

      Let me know about your results when you get one of our programs. You know you can get an easy payment plan?

      Love, Morty

  9. KIRAN PATKI October 13, 2010 at 8:29 am - Reply

    Dear Morty,
    This is very enlightening to read ,but the real stuff is actually being enabled to make the transformation happen. Your Occurring Course promises it but is not affordable and we dont know enough about it. I would love to stop the emotional eating. Dearly love it. It has been and is, the bain of my life.

    Keep up your very good work.
    Kiran Patki

    • Morty Lefkoe October 13, 2010 at 9:12 am - Reply

      Hi Kiran,

      We’ve sent out a lot of material on the occurrign course. In case you missed it, you can check it out at http://occurringcourse.com/

      If you have additional questions, please let me know.

      At the present time, the only way we offer to get rid of emotional eating is in one-on-one sessions.

      Thanks for your comments.

      Love, Morty

  10. Gail JM October 13, 2010 at 7:06 am - Reply


    Thank you for your exploration of change and suggesting the 3 orders of personal change. When considering your offering from the lens of organizational change:
    1st Order = Manager ensuring the process or customer experience is optimized i.e. effective & efficient.
    2nd Order = Leader helping the team see the business from the viewpoint of the customer – what he/she values, what he/she experiences. Requires a shift in perspective.
    3rd Order = Transformational Leader approaches colleagues and work as a spiritual practice with high levels of collaboration and co-creating of future visions. This empowers every voice in the organization to be welcomed into the evolution dance of where the organization is evolving. Transformational leadership should not be confused with business transformations which are often executed without the hearts (or minds) of the organization engaged.

    What really struck me about your analysis was the premise of reality creation as the 3rd order change. For anyone embarking upon the path of congruency and/or wishing to tap into personal spiritual power to create experience, this is a vital and necessary world-frame.

    PS – Your Lefkoe method is easy and effective!

  11. Linda Cordes October 13, 2010 at 5:52 am - Reply

    This perspective on change is so relevant to how I work with educators. My clients face difficult challengesin the urban core and want to make a difference through their teaching. I inspire and motivate them to teach on purpose, which requires them to to transform through level 2 and 3 change. Thanks for this explanation. I can share it with my “peeps.”

  12. Elsa October 13, 2010 at 5:39 am - Reply

    Hello Morty, Change. Transformation. Thank you for your thoughts.

    Here are some thoughts.

    Change one, while it can do lots (learning about a new better form of exercise, and so one), seems powerful mainly if you are already a fairly fully yourself person. Then in fact you might mainly be doing change one. In other words, if you already know the extent to which you create your experiences and if you are attuned to your beliefs and how they hold you back or encourage your self-fulfillment, then you might be doing mainly things that fall into the change one category (learning still better ways of exercising).

    The same kind of change would only do a little, and leave someone unfulfilled at a fundamental level, if they were held in by strongly self-limiting beliefs. The biggest need, then, might be things that would enable larger level change.

  13. yohanes hadinata October 13, 2010 at 2:33 am - Reply

    all thing about change begin from our mind or cognition
    but, sometimes change our mind or cognition is difficult.

    • Morty Lefkoe October 13, 2010 at 11:16 am - Reply

      Hi Yohanes,

      In my experience changing our “mind” is only difficult if you don’t change your beliefs first. Once you eliminate limiting beliefs, changing your mind can be very easy.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

      Love, Morty

  14. Christopher Lovejoy October 12, 2010 at 4:31 pm - Reply

    The distinctions made in this post are relevant to my current study of the seven ancient Polynesian principles of the Huna Path. With these distinctions, I can now see how belief is a central pivot to the type of change initiated by the believer; I can also see how it is more constructive to view the three orders of change as complementary rather than progressive (where one is better or more advanced than another). All in all, a most thought-provoking post.

    • Morty Lefkoe October 12, 2010 at 4:37 pm - Reply

      Hi Christopher,

      Glad you found the post useful (first order change).

      Good luck on your own work.

      Love, Morty

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