Every week I sit down at my computer and ask myself: What should I write about that would be useful for you, my readers?

I usually choose a topic based on

  • what I think you would like to learn,
  • what I think would be useful for you to learn,
  • my own experiences that I think you will find useful,
  • general things about TLM that I think will be useful, etc.

I also want my posts to be consistent with our mission: To significantly improve the quality of life on the planet by having people recreate their lives and live as the unlimited possibilities they are.

My posts average about 1200 words and are written over the course of 3-4 days. I usually write a draft on Thursday or Friday and then make at least 5-10 complete edits over the next few days, posting on Tuesday. I spend about two to three hours total each week writing my blog post, except on complicated subjects like last’s week post on emotional eating, when I spent about five hours.

This week I want to devote this space to asking you if there is any specific topic that you would like me to write about.  What would you like to know that would make a real difference in your life?  Obviously anything I write about will be in the framework of The Lefkoe Method.

To see what topics I’ve covered already, here is a link to a table of contents for all of my posts thus far.  If you’ve just started visiting my blog, there are a lot of really interesting posts from the past couple of years that are worth reading.  I’ve included links in case you missed any of them or would like to revisit any that look interesting to you. https://www.mortylefkoe.com/table-of-contents/

Please tell me in the comments section below what you would like me to write about in the future.

These weekly blog posts also exist as podcasts.  Sign up for the RSS feed or at iTunes to get the podcasts sent to you weekly.

If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to htp://www.recreateyourlife.com/free where you can eliminate one limiting belief free.

Would you like to eliminate the core beliefs that keep you from having all the success you desire? Click here. http://recreateyourlife.com/store/natural-confidence.php

copyright © 2010 Morty Lefkoe

By Published On: Tuesday, August 24, 2010Categories: Uncategorized109 Comments on What topic do you want me to write on?


  1. Osman May 22, 2013 at 1:53 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    Here’s something you can write about: Fear of Long Term Commitment.

    I know many people, specially guys, have this sort of fear specially when it comes to relationships. In my case its relationships AND dieting.

    One of the reasons that prevents me from sticking on a diet day after day, every day, is this “phobia”…. this nagging thought that “Do I have to do this EVERYDAY? Do i have to stick to this diet plan on a daily basis? No way!”

    I am sure you got the point.

    Upon some introspection, I recalled the childhood events that probably lead me to feel so this way about commitment and “hanging along”.

    The events went like this: When I was a kid, my brother always went out for jogging, at odd times, like at night or right after having a meal. And every day my parents used to shout at him for doing so. Their anger was coupled with the words such as “… Every day you are doing this” and “You are so stubborn, not even once you listen to us”

    The emphasis had always been on “Every day”… as if doing it once in a while was fine but doing it everyday is a crime.

    The meaning I gave to those events was “Its stubborn to do something every day” or “There’s something wrong with doing the same kind of exercise every day” or “Its hard to stick to a plan for a long such time” or “Its not easy to commit yourself to a routine for a long time”

    Then I went further and explained to myself that those events could have had many alternative meanings, and the meanings I gave to those events were not The Truth but just one out of many possible interpretations.

    So, I just wanted to share this with you. And thought you might want to expand on this and shed more light on this.

    Looking forward to hear from you.


  2. Nitin November 18, 2011 at 9:52 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    Now a days I am reading a book titled “Achieving Peak Performance” written by the the Michale L.Hall. I have read other books by same author. He talks about Meta-states i.e. states about sates. Since you too have NLP background you may already have idea about the Meta-states. Digging these Meta-programs lead us some ultimate truth which I think are nothing but beliefs. You can use and refine that technique to dig out and remove.the hidden beliefs . http://www.neurosemantics.com/


    Nitin Divekar (India)

  3. kannyJeseLype November 18, 2011 at 10:03 am - Reply

    Wypatrujesz łatwego i opłacalnego wyjścia, aby podnieść środki osobistej jednostki? Posiadam przeto dla Ciebie inteligentne rozwiązanie. Reklama. Spostrzegam, miało być oszczędnie, pomimo tego dostarczam Ci pewność, że będzie. Najłatwiejszą i w największym stopniu powszechną, jakkolwiek równocześnie w najwyższym stopniu prężną odmianą reklamy jest strona WWW. Dzisiaj, jeżeli Twojej firmy nie ma w Internecie to możesz zapomnieć o znacznych zyskach. Każdy wyszukuje wpierw w sieci globalnej, wówczas z kolei ewentualnie sięga po gazetę, lub pyta przyjaciół. Spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy, witryna jest de facto pomocna. Pod warunkiem, że nie jesteś zapoznany w sprawach domen i Internetu nie obawiaj się. Nasza jednostka biznesowa stanęła w związku z tym specjalnie dla Ciebie. Świadczymy usługi z zakresu hosting od rozpoczęcia do samego końca. Nasi koneserzy odpowiedzą na Twoje wszelakie pytania i wspomogą wybrać najbardziej odpowiednią ofertę dla Ciebie. Dzięki nam możesz podwyższyć zyski swojej jednosteki przy tak naprawdę mizernym nakładzie finansowym. Jakże? Z powodu usługi hosting. Przedstawisz się w tej okolicy z pełną propozycją na hosting i wyszukasz dane do kontaktu z nami. Stwierdź w jaki sposób Net zdoła Ci pomóc.

  4. Lewis Barkle November 8, 2010 at 11:17 am - Reply

    Hi Morty.
    I am currently going through the “confidence” course online, and it is AMAZING.
    So amazing that I want my whole family to take the course, should they choose to.
    I really, really, want my girlfriend to do the online course, but she only speaks Spanish at this time.
    I would like to volunteer my time to get the online course done in Spanish. There is a whole other Spanish speaking world out there that could benefit from your methods.
    I make my living programming, marketing, etc on the internet. So I have the skills to help. I would volunteer for this and be doing this out of love, and wanting help your vision, and the others out there who have limiting beliefs.
    Please let me know if you would like to look into this.
    I also sent you a email to your company email address, and spoke with Karen over the phone about this.
    I really look forward to hearing back from you

    • Morty Lefkoe November 8, 2010 at 12:03 pm - Reply

      Hi Lewis,

      I’m thrilled you are getting so much value from our DVD program.

      I also very much appreciate your offer to translate the program into Spanish. We have had several offers already and here is the problem: Even if someone does the translation, I will have to spend a lot of time with them to make sure that they understand my intention for each concept, I’ll need some new cartoons, and we’ll need to make 23 new videos, which is pretty expensive.

      But I would be open to do all that if I had a way to market to a Spanish speaking audience. We are spending all our time marketing to English speaking audiences and don’t have additional time to learn about marketing to an entirely different audience in the U.S., Spain, South America, etc.

      Please feel free to call me if you’d like to discuss further. (415) 506-4472.

      Love, Morty

  5. Lise Belisle October 4, 2010 at 1:15 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    Thank you for asking and thank you for all your good advice. My thing is with competition: I hate to lose and it is keeping me very frustrated. Can you help?

    • Morty Lefkoe October 4, 2010 at 1:41 pm - Reply


      There are a number of possibilities and I couldn’t really know without talking to you.

      But one possibility is What makes me good enough is winning. Or the way to survive is to win. Or if I don’t win something terrible will happen to me.

      Love, Morty

  6. Anne September 19, 2010 at 11:51 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty!

    Thanks A LOT for sharing your techniques with the world, you have been a big help! There’s one thing I’m still wondering. Everytime I’m physically uncomfortable (too hot, too cold, sick etc.) I get really upset emotionally as well. Are those conditionings?

    • Morty Lefkoe September 20, 2010 at 9:34 am - Reply

      Hi Anne,

      It’s really difficult to know without talking to you and asking you a few questions, but, yes, it could be conditionings.

      Love, Morty

  7. Marius September 7, 2010 at 2:51 am - Reply

    Morty does it matter if I do the belief process in English even though my mother language is not English. Should I do the process in my mother language for better results?

    • Morty Lefkoe September 20, 2010 at 9:33 am - Reply

      Hi Marius,

      It probably will work in English, but if you formed the beliefs in your mother tongue, you might try saying the words of the belief in that language.

      Let me know what happens.

      Love, Morty

  8. Gary September 1, 2010 at 1:57 pm - Reply

    I have had trouble using the Lefkoe method successfully even though I went through the entire self confidence program, maybe write about how and why it fails for some people and how to make sure it works for you.

    • Morty Lefkoe November 9, 2010 at 8:21 am - Reply

      Hi Gary,

      Please call me so I can see if I can figure out why the program didn’t work well for you. (415) 506-4472.

      Love, Morty

  9. mercedes September 1, 2010 at 9:31 am - Reply

    Imliving with my boyfriend now. He is gorgeos, and my three girls love him. Im 44 and he is 31.We love each other and he just moved, but I cannot avoid thinking that he will leave me for sb younger,prettier,whatever.Why on earth should I feel like this when all he does is show me he loves me!!

    • mercedes September 20, 2010 at 8:27 am - Reply

      Sorry, Morty. I’m still waiting for your reply….

      • Morty Lefkoe September 20, 2010 at 9:01 am - Reply

        Hi Mercedes,

        Probably beliefs, such as I’m not lovable, Men can’t be trusted, relationships are difficult, etc.

        Get rid of the beliefs and the fear he will leave you will disappear.

        Love, Morty

  10. Tecla August 30, 2010 at 9:10 pm - Reply

    Hi MOrty,
    I’d like some help in getting rid of the belief “I’m unlovable”.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 30, 2010 at 9:25 pm - Reply

      Hi Tecla,

      I can’t teach you how to eliminate the belief in a short answer, but I can help you eliminate the belief in a one-on-one session.

      If you really want to get rid of it, please call me. (415) 506-4472.

      Love, Morty

  11. Marius August 30, 2010 at 6:37 pm - Reply

    Hey Morty what do you say about this core belief list http://www.core-beliefs-balance.com/example_negative_core_beliefs.htm . It helped me allot and I’ve just done the first few beliefs.It is nice to have a list and work beliefs one by one. Also for stuff like feeling safe in the world your natural confidence hasn’t beliefs for, and many more other stuff, maybe you could use this list and make some new programs for people out there.


    • Morty Lefkoe August 30, 2010 at 6:45 pm - Reply

      Hi Marius,

      It’s a weird list. Some of the so-called beliefs are actually the problem, not a belief at all. And in 25 years of working with clients some of them I never heard of or needed to help a client get rid of the many problems we’ve heard.

      I also don’t agree that all core beliefs are a variation of I’m not good enough.

      But if it is helping you, that’s great.

      Love, Morty

  12. James August 29, 2010 at 8:08 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    You mentioned operant conditioning. I saw you have a explanation and process for classical conditioning.

    I and I’m sure many others would benefit greatly from the explanation and process for operant conditioning also,

    Thanks in advance,


    • Morty Lefkoe September 20, 2010 at 9:36 am - Reply

      Hi James,

      I provided a descirptiuon of each type of conditioning in my blog post about emotional eating on August 17.

      Love, Morty

  13. Marius August 28, 2010 at 11:16 am - Reply

    I’m curious to know what beliefs make us lie.

    • Morty Lefkoe September 20, 2010 at 9:39 am - Reply

      Hi Marius,

      Interestingly enough, we have never in 25 years had a client who has presented that problem.

      I’m really not sure.

      Love, Morty

      • chrys November 9, 2010 at 3:11 am - Reply


  14. Cathrine August 28, 2010 at 5:42 am - Reply

    l have absolutely not enough information about your website or blog to comment on this. My only experience with your ideas is this online”how too get rid of destructive beliefs” That was genious” it was so simplified and yet so univeral. So l will give it a go 1:you are absolutely on the right track with feelings and eatingdisorder. You can help alot with reaon, but peole are complicated, and some problems are felingoriented. 2: l think you should wright more about your own shortcommings and dont trick peoplein too thinking they will always feel great.This is your best source 3 This is your business and you are handling it well, much respect too you fore that, and this is much inspiration, but l read your artikkel about emotional eating and you understand much. My tips is too share a few more clues sopeople can see fore them selves, then l think they will come too you fore the rest.

    • Morty Lefkoe September 20, 2010 at 9:37 am - Reply

      Hi Cathrine,

      Thanks for taking the time to post to my blog. I appreciate your suggestions.

      Love, Morty

  15. Franc August 27, 2010 at 2:20 pm - Reply

    I would like to read (and learn) the practical way how to clear/deprogram some classical and operant conditioning by myself. Maybe some transcript of an interesting case from your practice would make reading more attractive.

    With love and light,

    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 5:11 pm - Reply

      Hi Franc,

      At some point I may create a course where I can teach people how to use my new de-conditioning program. At present the only people who can use it are Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitators. It is not something you can use effectively merely by reading a script.

      Also, more often that not, the primary source of our problems is beliefs. So even if we need de-conditioning, we also have to eliminate a bunch of beliefs first before we can rid ourselves of most of our problems.

      Love, Morty

  16. Ramesh August 27, 2010 at 11:54 am - Reply


    Thanks for your great work. I have been hearing for quite some time that all is the game of beliefs understanding is the whole thing. So, it would be good if you would write more on future worries and faith. All the time the only concern that we have is what if, what if, what if. Even when, we have intellectual understanding of this and that, but emotionally we have future worries. Would require insight on that.

    Thanks and regards.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 5:07 pm - Reply

      Hi Ramesh,

      Intellectual understanding don’t change anything. Getting rid of beliefs changes things.

      Worries are ultimately caused by beliefs and conditionings. Interimly they are caused by our occurrings, which can be dissolved in a matter of minutes.

      Love, Morty

  17. Kristina B Sweden August 27, 2010 at 4:09 am - Reply

    When feelings are On and off:
    Sometimes we put off our feeling, zero, and behave as we have no feelings at all. To pretect our self. I have done this I know. Not followed my heart. How to do when i meet a person, he has close his feelings and I know it. Sometime children put off there feelings….I can se and feel that.
    What will you say about off feelings…?

    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 5:13 pm - Reply

      Hi Kristina,

      This is a problem I have had. It is caused by several beliefs, including If I express my feelings I’ll get hurt and people can’t be trusted (or are dangerous or will hurt me). And it is also caused by conditioning, automatically shutting down feelings when someone is angry or yelling at us.

  18. Scott August 26, 2010 at 10:50 pm - Reply

    fear of being the center of attention in business situations or during presentations & public speaking

  19. paul August 26, 2010 at 10:19 pm - Reply

    Hey morty; first of all thank you for giving us all those personal development insight. as far as i am concerned writing a post on how to get driven to accomplish any thing you want in life would be a very great thing. thank you.

  20. Marius August 26, 2010 at 4:12 pm - Reply

    How to get read of neediness with women.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 5:05 pm - Reply

      Hi Marius,

      I had this problem myself for most of my life.

      I got rid of a lot of negative self-esteem beliefs and the belief: The way to survive is to have a woman in my life and what makes me important is having a woman in my life. At some point the problem dissolved completely and it hasn’t bothered me in many years.

      Love, Morty

  21. Yetamero August 26, 2010 at 3:09 pm - Reply

    What about if, as a child, you are weak, or constantly getting sick. You want to do all stuff a child wants to do, but, because of what I just mentioned, you get to the conclusion: I’m not good enough. I’m not worthy because I’m ill. And so on. In this case, your parents didnt have anything to do with your conclusions. How can we deal with our own relationship to ourselves?

  22. Lisa August 26, 2010 at 10:50 am - Reply

    Forgive myself… and others

  23. Dawn August 26, 2010 at 6:02 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    Last time I spoke with Shelly she told me that you have trouble eliminating the beliefs of those who are more “feelers” than others. She brought this up because I have come back to you many times with help for public speaking and nothing seems to work. I went through the public speaking program, then spent more money on the public speaking program and still am terrified of speaking in public. You (yourself) had one session with me and I didn’t feel any different afterward. You and Shelly have given me free sessions for this. Nothing has worked. 
    The most recent event was this past Monday when I pretended that I was sick just so that I wouldn’t have to speak in public. Your work-or-money-back public speaking program didn’t work for me. 
    Obviously, I’m a disappointed customer. I have not requested my money back from you. I would rather you fix me than give me my money back. 

    My request is that you come up with a program for people like me. I do not want this terrible fear or other fears.  

    You may only need to make a slight adjustment to the approach. I have no idea what that is. But my request is that you try to figure this out. 

    Imagine when you can really say that your program works for everyone. That would be amazing.



    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 4:45 pm - Reply

      Hi Dawn,
      Please call me so I can see if I can figure our why our program is not working for you.

      I will do my best to help.

      Love, Morty

  24. Kim August 26, 2010 at 5:45 am - Reply

    Hey Morty, it is my intention to be a contribution whenever, wherever I can, I don’t often have the time to weigh in on your posts, but did not want to let this one slip by. You always make a difference because that is who you are and literally what you are about. The freedom that we all seek “to be who we really are” and live a deliberate life aligned with the experiences and the relationships that allow for the manifestation of self-expansion and clarity with the directions we choose, at times seems such a challenge. I believe that well being is the default, I clearly understand the power of beliefs and contend that who we really are was so before anything else, do you believe that negative beliefs are really the culprit for all that ails us? What occurs to me is that more often than not, operating from anything but who we really are seems to be the default.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 4:48 pm - Reply

      Hi Kim,

      Yes, my experience with thousands of clients has shown that beliefs and conditionings are responsible for most of our mental problems. My evidence is that when the beliefs and conditionings are gone, the problem is too.

      Love, Morty

  25. Captain Haddock August 26, 2010 at 5:42 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    I’m being greedy but here is another question you maybe able to help me with and some other readers may find the same challenge or perhaps have a solution. When I first read your stuff, I thought as I did when I first discovered hypnotherapy, brilliant, now I know this, it makes so much sense and everyone will want to know this stuff as well and use it to make their lives better – why wouldn’t they. Anyhow they do not, and as with NVC(non violent communication) my ears are open now to how much we blame everything else for our problems etc. The problem is that to keep rapport with anyone you need to speak the same language and I now find that by hearing differently I am trying to speak another language, one that most do not want to know about. So I sometimes feel I either live like a hermit and keep my little world of change therapy, silently listening to everyones gripes, or I almost contradict myself and join in with others conversations and beliefs. This may seem hypocritical but trying to convince someone the weather isn’t spoiling his day, eventually just seems to be wearing me down. Its a totally different paradigm that you are teaching and one I find hard to jump between. Its like saying to someone of a certain faith, listen I know you believe this but no one wants to listen to you, so you are going to have to go against everyting you believe otherwise you won’t fit in. At least with religeons there are enough people following the faith you could hang out with – you don’t find many people using the Lefkoe method on the building site – I know I work on one!

    I hope this makes sense to you or anybody else. I think what I’m saying is this is great if everyone’s talking the same language but how do we happily communicate if not?

    Thanks Morty for your time.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 4:53 pm - Reply

      Hi Captain Haddock,

      Clearly it is easier and more fun to hang around with people who share your values.

      But that does not mean you cannot live with or interact with people who don’t. I was able to stop worrying about what people think of me, stop being needy, stop being depressed, change my occurring, etc. etc. regardless of what others did around me.

      My life is 1000% better than it was before I started getting rid of beliefs and conditionings, and the world has not changed that much in the meantime.

      In fact, the more I don’t get sucked into the stories others tell, the easier it is to deal with them.

      Love, Morty

  26. vimala August 25, 2010 at 10:29 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    Thank you for allowing this process of having to voice out ‘what topic i want you to help me with’. I live in Malaysia and my passion is with the health sector and having gained many years of management/change consultancy experience in the UK health sector, I am now embarking on the process of a much needed change process implemetation of the Malaysian health sector from an NGO framework. There is a highly motivated group of us who are working as a team.

    My issue is ‘how do I embark on this and how do I deal with all the internal resistance and complacency?’

  27. Amy August 25, 2010 at 6:40 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    I’m really interested in breaking through barriers that are stopping me from starting my own business enterprise. I have fears and beliefs like “all small businesses fail”, “I don’t deserve to be wealthy”, “only bad people get rich”, “I will only ever earn money if I have a job”, “Being employed makes me important”, “someone else is already better at this so there’s no point me trying” and “No one would ever want a service I offer”.
    I want to create my own freedom and security through a small business, but while I understand intellectually that it can work and that I do have something to offer the world, my emotions and thought processes are stopping me from even beginning to develop viable business ideas.
    I have taken your natural confidence course, and this has helped me immensely in my personal and social life (thank you! life changing!), but it did not address my money/business fears. Do you have any plans to develop a product along these lines?

  28. Jennifer Lansdale August 25, 2010 at 5:50 pm - Reply

    I am really interested in over coming co-dependency and freeing myself emotionally from depending on others for love and security. I am currently working on the Natural Confidence Program…does this program help in that area at all?

    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 4:58 pm - Reply

      Hi Jennifer,

      This program will help a lot, but you also might have some beliefs specifically about love and relationships. At present we don’t have any programs for that area as each person is too different.

      We could help in one-to-one sessions after you complete the Natural Confidence course and see what problems remain.

      Love, Morty

  29. Lisa August 25, 2010 at 4:34 pm - Reply

    How you stop worrying about supporting your family.. When every endeavour you have with running your own business.. is not bringing the money in… Some how it becomes about the business not you

    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 5:00 pm - Reply

      Hi Lisa,

      There is a difference between doing what you need to doto support your faamily and worrying about supporting your family.

      Worrying never brought in an extra dollar.

      You an get rid of the worry in two ways. Eliminate the beliefs and conditionings that cause it, or change your occurring so the same circumstances don’t result in worry.

      Love, Morty

  30. marina August 25, 2010 at 3:59 pm - Reply

    Talk more about to control nervousitivity, and helping eliminating it.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 29, 2010 at 6:05 pm - Reply

      Hi Marina,

      Nervousness is strictly a function of beliefs and to some extent, conditioning. It is largely the result of a lack of confidence.

      We have a program that should help significantly with this problem, http://recreateyourlife.com/store/natural-confidence.php

      Love, Morty

  31. mila August 25, 2010 at 3:27 pm - Reply

    less talk, more clarity, balanced inner/outer life

  32. m August 25, 2010 at 1:51 pm - Reply

    how be ambitious and motivated to achieve goals and great things inlife.

  33. Robyn Stark August 25, 2010 at 1:11 pm - Reply

    I would like to release many limiting beliefs that do not serve me that have come from a very strict religious upbringing. I have always said that growing up I had 3 parents…..my mother, my father and the bible. The information I was taught as a child, generated into fear and I know has restricted my life. I find that religion based beliefs are very tough to find.

  34. j August 25, 2010 at 12:26 pm - Reply

    how to eliminate negative thoughts fast and for good.

  35. Gary August 25, 2010 at 11:45 am - Reply

    I have purchased the natural confidence program and the belief elimination process only worked on one or two beliefs. I would like to know why it sometimes doesn’t work, is it something I’m doing?

  36. ian August 25, 2010 at 11:03 am - Reply

    Eliminating the beliefs “GOOD” and “BAD” and the implications of doing this

  37. Samuel Brantley August 25, 2010 at 10:55 am - Reply

    Please comment on the particles and dynamics of your relationship with your wife ,was it chance or preconceived and how you fill it best,to fit in you’ll life work.

  38. simon August 25, 2010 at 10:49 am - Reply

    Dear Morty, I would be grateful if you could write about how to attract a miracle money. Can you help me?

  39. stan August 25, 2010 at 10:37 am - Reply

    What if you genuinely lack verbal ability and that is what makes you nervous socializing.

  40. rajesh August 25, 2010 at 10:31 am - Reply

    i have this tendency to fall in debt repeatedly.once 6 years earlier i was on the verge of bankruptcy and my mom sold her property to bail me out and again after 6 years the same position has come.why did i not learn from my previous example..why did i do it again.please help me

  41. Luisa August 25, 2010 at 9:56 am - Reply

    I want to know if a relationship may be fixed after having long time of separation.

  42. Darlene August 25, 2010 at 9:34 am - Reply

    First I’d like to say thank you for everything, and then I would like to be able to understand your material better b/c it is a little confusing. I am listening to your Audio book Change Your Brain-Change Your Body. At one point I thought taking Same-E would be beneficial to me then at another it said it may make things worse. The brain test I took showed that I may or may not have a few different problems, with different solutions I was going to get Same-E and start on it but now I dont know what to do. Also, Would you be able to give us an alternative as opposed to buying your products, such as over the counter remedies b/c I am on a limited budget. Sincerely, Darlene

  43. kayjay August 25, 2010 at 8:43 am - Reply

    Is there a cure for continuous mental chatter? Please do write how to stop it o that the mind is aligned with whatever the body is doing?

  44. bill c August 25, 2010 at 8:38 am - Reply

    I only deserve so much. Is that the same as one of the other ones you have already?

  45. Jackie August 25, 2010 at 8:27 am - Reply

    I think that in order to develop properly we need a sense that we have been welcomed into the world with open arms, that we are loved by our care takers. However, many of us have been born to people who may seem to resent our arrival thereby depriving us of the sense of a welcomed existence and that feeling of being loved by mom and dad. Maybe one or both of our parents didn’t want to have a kid and then we came along. The stress of our parents is always sensed by us when we are kids, especially if our parents never wanted us and are just making due because they’re stuck with us.

    That being said… You do good work to eliminate limiting beliefs but I don’t think it truly addressed that emotional emptiness that a kid can grow up with if they weren’t wanted by their parents. Being deprived of that warm welcome and grateful love from mom and dad can leave a person feeling that their existence is an intrusion instead of knowing that they have the right to exist. How can a person fill that emptiness that mom and dad were supposed to fill but didn’t? I think this is deeper then eliminating a belief. I think this one requires replacing a void with substance. What do you think?

    • Robert August 25, 2010 at 9:16 am - Reply

      This is a really good topic that you brought up. I think all of us who grew up this way can definitely relate. I found that when I applied the Lefkoe Method to some beliefs of this nature–“I’m not good enough” “Nobody wants me” “Nobody loves me” etc. that the void began to fill naturally once these rocks were removed. We’ve been living so long under an assumption that we are not wanted that it feels natural. Once you remove these beliefs you will probably notice as I did, that people are wanting and loving you pretty consistently but you couldn’t accept it or feel it before. Also, I found the Gary Chapman book about “Love Languages” to be very helpful. Often our parents did not express love to us in a way that was meaningful to us so we always felt denied. I hope this helps a little. I really know what it’s like to feel that way.

  46. Pele August 25, 2010 at 7:49 am - Reply

    I’m curious about what you think of Freud and analytic psychology?

  47. niceguy August 25, 2010 at 7:45 am - Reply

    ooops i forget to write. one thing more i wanted to know that also helped many peoples in this world is that how can we build the empowering beliefs in ourselves. what procedure we are going to follow so that we can build the empowering core beliefs or beliefs in ourselves.



  48. niceguy August 25, 2010 at 7:42 am - Reply

    thanks Morty for your good work. and i am really appreciate this blog because it really helped me in my life. i wanted to know what is your opinion about law of attraction. what do you think about it and do you think that it is really work and if you think that it really work in our life than what is the right way to use the law of attraction in our daily life.


  49. Jesse Adams August 25, 2010 at 7:36 am - Reply

    I would like you to write on the subject of envy. I’m divorced & middle aged, and sometimes I find myself envying younger people who have a partner and who have the energy to live their life the way I used to.

  50. Nitin August 25, 2010 at 7:27 am - Reply

    I read your book “Re-Create your life”. I bet this is the most prictical book on personal developement. I have eliminated many of my destructive beliefs. I have gained confidence, I have eliminated many beliefs regarding money, Now I procrastinate less but I still think there are some hidden issues which I can not find and eliminate. I can not afford any LBP coach. I request you to find a mechanism whereby LBP users can find hidden issue.

  51. Nitin August 25, 2010 at 7:26 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    I read your book “Re-Create your life”. I bet this is the most prictical book on personal developement. I have eliminated many of my destructive beliefs. I have gained confidence, I have eliminated many beliefs regarding money, Now I procrastinate less but I still think there are some hidden issues which I can find and eliminate. I can not afford any LBP coach. I request you to find a mechanism whereby LBP users can find hidden issue.

  52. Robert August 25, 2010 at 7:23 am - Reply

    Hi Morty–I love your work! I have only one request at present and it would be to help reveal the limiting beliefs that keep us from working out consistently. It’s a national problem, one that most people have experienced. We all know the exhilirating feeling of great exercise, but for many of us that “want to” is absent. It’s never made sense to me why something I like to do when I’m doing it is buried under such a wet blanket of apathy. I saw the video Joe Vitale posted raving about how you got him fired up to go to the gym and was instantly inspired. Please share the secret!

  53. Alexey August 25, 2010 at 7:12 am - Reply


    I would appreciate hearing about some “path” – a sequence that starts with “it hurts, get me out of here”, moves into some “work area” accessible when surface pain is taken care of, and, possibly, reaches its own barriers, and wherever you would take it. I am not so interested in a nice story as in some guiding marks; practical advices, methods and observations; and clues to the potent areas.

    Thank you

  54. Elle August 25, 2010 at 6:58 am - Reply

    How to deal with fear of intimacy – wanting togetherness and tenderness, but also resenting losing one’s individuality and opening oneself up to criticism and rejection.

    How to deal with separation anxiety – fear of losing people, fear of flying, fear of leaving a place. Loss, basically.

  55. Yetamero August 25, 2010 at 6:56 am - Reply

    I’d like you to talk about sex/masturbation addiction. It might be related to be attached to the girl you don’t love. This can cause anxiety, because you want to do something else, but these things get in the way…. Thanks Morty!

  56. Denise August 25, 2010 at 6:56 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    Thank you for inviting input. I would be ever soooo grateful if you would address the issue of dealing with difficult people.How does one go about resolving conflict with one who is constantly angry or unforgiving. We all live with a boss,a spouse, a co-worker,a neighbor, a boyfriend, or girlfriend that we just can’t seem to reason with on any discrepency at all. If we ourselves are aware of our own emotions and are in touch with our limiting beliefs, then how do we go about co-existing with a mother or friend that has no intention of living in conciousness or self growth? This makes life so difficult. Please HELP!!!

  57. Katherine August 25, 2010 at 6:45 am - Reply

    Hello Morty,

    You’ve mentioned this and please help remind me again:

    At the precise moment when a painful memory is triggered inside me (and this might be subconscious), everything about me wants to react and fly off the handle in a defensive mode. Thankfully, sometimes, I’m aware of my inner turmoil and remember to restrain myself, even if I don’t want to. I am able to restrain myself anyway and let it blow through. Unfortunately, sometimes, I’ve gone for the bait–AGAIN–and have flown off the handle and reacted. I’m not proud of that, and the consequences of my poor choice often require an apology from me. This pattern is very old and unpleasant and I feel tired of apologizing! I’m aware that it’s to me to change and do it differently.

    So please remind me of anything I might say to myself to help me stay centered and keep the focus on myself–instead of my husband who, while he has a good heart and is a good man, has weaknesses and characteristics that trigger a lot of extremely painful childhood memories.

    Thank you.

  58. Cecilia August 25, 2010 at 6:44 am - Reply

    I would like you to write about how to prevent from getting angry all the time. I get angry at people and situtations for the slightest things (but also for big issues). Also, how to prevent from getting hurt when a stranger does not treat me with respect (for example, when I get into a discussion for a parking space people usually insult me and it hurts me a lot. I keept thinking about what I could’ve done or said to that person and my heart fills with hatred).

    On another issue, I would like to know if there is a methaphysical way to find a dream job. I mean, not the usual thing but something that I would do mentally in order to attract a good job, not for me but for somebody else.
    Thank you.

  59. Eef August 25, 2010 at 6:28 am - Reply

    An article on how to make change more permanent, finding the discipline to keep doing certain things in a new different way for a long time without and falling back to old behaviour and creating maintainable structure in my life preferably without going to church every sunday.

  60. D. alan Boris August 25, 2010 at 6:20 am - Reply

    Is there any hope for curing social anxiety and especially “stagefright” , that is performing or merely speaking in a group situation, for someone suffering this condition for 40+ years? thanks

  61. Peter August 25, 2010 at 6:20 am - Reply

    Thanks for all your inspiration Morty. I look forward to work weekly blogs. It would be great if you could address dealing with compulsive behaviors.


  62. Leila August 25, 2010 at 5:55 am - Reply

    Hi Morty, from what I understand of your ideas many of our beliefs come from perceptions formed from interactions with other people in our childhood. If we have children ourselves and bring them up in a way that explains things to them so that they don’t form negative beliefs (as far as possible), can you describe how that kind of childhood could have repercussions for them when they begin to interact at school for example. Thanks for all your previous posts.

  63. ayala August 25, 2010 at 5:48 am - Reply

    dear morty
    thanks for all u suggest us.
    i want to know how to bring happiness into my life/
    thank a lot

  64. Rosalia Kogan August 25, 2010 at 5:46 am - Reply

    Dear Morty
    Your blog is enlightening for me. Thank you for all these wonderful posts. A few weeks ago I received an email from your blog titled: “Why can’t I express love”, I’m not sure now whether the title was exactly that. And in a few days I wanted to read the post on your blog but it had disappeared. I’m very interested in that topic, because fear of expressing love (so I’ll suffer less in case it doesn’t work out), is an issue to me.
    Thanks and regards

  65. Jan August 25, 2010 at 5:41 am - Reply

    Self sabatoge. I seem to be beating myself up. I have choosen a path and am moving ahead but that little voice says “your not good enough, you’ll lose what you have, etc.”. Then I proceed to loose stuff in my life. I have lost my jewelry, my wireless stick, left my sun glasses on the plane. I have misplaced my keys and other things that cause me to search and stress. Oh my.

  66. Lauren August 25, 2010 at 5:24 am - Reply

    I have a problem with having clutter around and walking past it day after day. The clutter is usually hidden away in one room…how can I motivate myself or discipline myself to just take care of the clutter and get it done with? Also once I have the clutter cleared, how I can continue to keep it clutter-free? Love and Light

  67. Martin Rutte August 25, 2010 at 5:02 am - Reply

    I’d like to have you write about peoples’ belief that we can not Heaven on Earth.
    Thanks Morty.

  68. maggie August 25, 2010 at 5:01 am - Reply


    Thank you for journeying with us and the incredible work you are doing. Your inputs have been very helpful. However, of late my self esteem is very low and have alot of anxiety. I had improved tremediously but it now feels like I am back to square one. What could be the cause of this?

    Many thanks

  69. Andrew August 25, 2010 at 4:50 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    I would like to read more about three things.
    1. The process of how beliefs get formed on top of core beliefs and how they fall away or dissolve when the core beliefs are removed, ie does one need to remove these beliefs individually too or do they crumble when the original belief dissolves.
    2. How effective is the de-conditioning process and can it really get rid of anxieties (such as social or speaking) that have been there for a long time?
    3. The WAIR process has a lot in common with accessing a meditative state. Have you looked into the parallels between meditation and the Lefkoe process because it seems to me that there could be great benefit to be found by combining the two.

  70. chrys August 25, 2010 at 4:37 am - Reply

    Dear Morty,

    One question i have always wanted to ask is ‘how do we deal with things like: sexual abuses (as a society are they not to be Seen/Thought of as a negative); or theft of things we are emotionally attached to (deceased grandmother’s favourite hair-clip).” As a counsellor and teacher i can not see how to change abuses into a neutral thought pattern. While there are situations like “they don’t like me because they are not playing with me” or “did someone else need that (stolen) thing more than me” these can change but, If these things were always a ‘neutral’ then why would a society need to change them?
    Look forward to your response. chrys

  71. Lydia August 25, 2010 at 4:35 am - Reply

    Hi Morty

    I really enjoy your posts and find them really useful – thank you. I have done some studies on the science of human evolution and change, from the point of view of neuroscience and the brain. I would love to undersand how your process works from that point of view.

    Thanks again.

  72. Captain Haddock August 25, 2010 at 4:00 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    Things such as smoking or other addictions would be very useful. Found that if someone is using a survival srategy to hang on to a deeper belief, it can be hard to break even a surface level belief such as “I like it” or “I actually enjoy smoking”. Even with your technique, that seems so logical to me, if someone is holding on, consciously or unconsciously they seem to resist or even believe what I am suggesting. They defend it. I understand what is going on on paper ie defending their survival stategies etc, and have read your book in regards to your eating disorder client. I appreciate things don’t always go as smoothly as you write them, but even in the videos its text book agreement stuff – everything you ask they seem to understand or go along with, whereas in my reality, my clients rarely do! I fully appreciate it is the way I am putting over the infomation but any advice on this topic would be great. Thanks Morty for your investment in doing this for us all.

  73. Alessandra August 25, 2010 at 3:16 am - Reply

    How to not be conditioned by the concept of beauty and/or ugliness that rules our society.

  74. framk August 25, 2010 at 3:07 am - Reply

    financial security

  75. PaperEskimo August 25, 2010 at 3:04 am - Reply

    I’d like to learn about how to stop being unnecessarily attached to material items; e.g., how to stop equating them with safety and control. I really have trouble de-cluttering my house even though I logically “know” that clearing out will help. Through various explorations, I think I have traced this back to my mother taking away my “special blanket” when I was a child. Now I’d like to move on, but don’t know how to go past the mistaken belief that material possessions will fulfill me or keep me safe.

  76. Xiama August 25, 2010 at 2:42 am - Reply

    I’ve been unable to break up with a woman I don’t love. How to get myself to do it?

    • chrys August 25, 2010 at 5:54 pm - Reply

      What attracted you to this woman in the first place? How has that changed?
      How is keeping her in a loveless relationship stopping her from finding a relationship inwhich she is valued?
      Where did you learn that you could not ask for what you wanted or is the real issue is that afraid of being ‘alone’?

  77. Shahrzad August 25, 2010 at 2:39 am - Reply

    I would like to thank you for sharing you idea with us.
    I`ll be greatfull if you tell me about how can we take away all limitation that made it by ourself?

    Many thanx

  78. rachael August 25, 2010 at 2:32 am - Reply

    i would like to know how i can still have a singing career and now that ive found out im pregnant at age 38 be a great mum and be a great girlfriend ( to the father who doesnt want a child – and i havent told him yet because hes probably going to ask me to leave-he did the last time) and be rich in my finances so that we can have a great life and own my own house!

  79. Stewart August 25, 2010 at 2:30 am - Reply


  80. Hanneke August 25, 2010 at 2:29 am - Reply

    I would like to say to Marius: thank you for sharing that men also would like to surpass the things that keep us from loving and having amazing relationships with each other. xx

  81. Marius August 24, 2010 at 4:14 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    I would be grateful if you could write about this topics:
    -About seduction and the limiting beliefs that are holding us back from loving and having amazing relationships with women.
    -I would like to see list of all the beliefs you have eliminated.
    -How we can use the LBP our self to eliminate beliefs that aren’t in your programs

    Thanks that’s all for now.

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