Some people are convinced we create our own reality by focusing on what we desire with strong emotion. Others are just as convinced that that idea is New Age nonsense.  But regardless of which position is valid, it is unquestionably true that we literally create new possibilities in our lives—a brand new reality—by eliminating limiting beliefs.

Let me give you an example.  Assume you had the beliefs: I’m not loveable. Relationships don’t work.  Men/women can’t be trusted.

With these beliefs, what are the possibilities that you could have a really good, nurturing, long-term romantic relationship?  … Slim to nil, right?

Now let’s assume you use the Lefkoe Belief Process to completely eliminate those beliefs.  Can you see you have just created the possibility of a good, nurturing, long-term relationship that literally didn’t exist before? There is no guarantee you will ever find such a relationship, but the possibility exists now that didn’t exist before.

This is one of the most powerful consequences of eliminating beliefs: You not only change your behavior and feelings, you actually change the reality you live in.

Let me remind you of something I wrote in an earlier blog post to make this idea completely clear.  Let’s assume you held the following beliefs: You have to work hard to make money. I’m not deserving. I’ll never have enough money. /There is never enough money. Money is a struggle. Life is difficult. Your reality with those beliefs does not include the possibility of acquiring wealth easily, if at all.  Without those beliefs the possibility comes into existence.

The possibilities that exist in your reality are defined by your beliefs.  When you say something is impossible it actually becomes impossible for you. If you believe Life is difficult, you will experience things not going the way you wanted them to go as upsetting obstacles rather than exciting challenges.  If you believe I’m not capable or I’m not competent, would you likely try to do something you believe you can’t do?  And if you tried, do you think you would succeed with these beliefs?

Beliefs Create An Organization’s Environment

Even the environment in which an organization operates is largely a function of its beliefs.  When I do workshops for CEOs I tell them that the biggest barrier their organization faces is not in the world (competition, government, costs, etc.), but in the minds of their employees.

For example, if most of the people in a company believe that something is impossible—such as outsourcing, raising capital, finding qualified new employees, or reaching a certain sales or earnings target—that belief becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, because the employees will operate according to a reality consistent with their beiefs.  If something is impossible, there is no sense in trying to do it.

Notice that you don’t have to do anything (other than eliminate the belief) in order to create a new possibility and literally change your reality.  Your reality changes  automatically after the belief(s) has been eliminated.

As amazing as that is, another remarkable thing occurs: When fundamental changes in our behavior and feelings occur after eliminating a few beliefs, we usually are not even aware of the change.

If there are no beliefs in the way, all we have to do to make a change in our way of living is to make a commitment to the change, and it usually occurs.  Sometimes we don’t know how and have to get some needed information, and then the change happens.  But it’s not so easy when there are beliefs in the way.

When we try to act inconsistently with our beliefs—such as trying to create wealth or relationships when we have beliefs that act as barriers, or trying to stop procrastination when we have beliefs that necessitate it—we are aware both of the struggle to change and our inability to produce lasting change.

Our Reality Changes Without Us Even Noticing It

But when the belief(s) is gone, we unconsciously do whatever we choose to do and there is no resistance.  We just automatically do it.  Because there is no resistance, because we are able to make the change so easily, we frequently are not even aware that the old barriers are gone.

One of the most dramatic examples of that fact was when I once asked a client whom I hadn’t talked to for a few months about her sex life.  She replied, “It’s fine, why do you ask?”  I read to her from her file the details of her lack of interest in sex that had plagued her for years, which she had related to me just a few months earlier.  She was flabbergasted.  “I totally forgot that that’s how it used to be.  My new feelings and behavior now seem so natural and automatic I just take them for granted.”

When you drive down a highway and come across a barrier in the middle of the road, you are aware of trying to remove the roadblock so you can drive on.  After you remove the roadblock and you then drive down that same highway a few times, at some point you drive down the highway and forget that the barrier had ever been there.

It’s so easy to create new possibilities for yourself.  What are you waiting for?

Thanks for reading my blog. I really would appreciate your comments and questions. Please feel free to share my blog posts with anyone you think might be interested as long as you tell people where it came from.

If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using The Lefkoe Method, go to htp:// where you can eliminate one limiting belief free.

To purchase an on-line interactive program where you can eliminate 19 beliefs, go to

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Copyright © 2009 Morty Lefkoe


  1. Delorse Mcphatter December 17, 2019 at 6:05 pm - Reply

    I am regular reader, how are you everybody?

  2. […] Originalartikel „How to create new possibilities in your life“ ist auf seinem […]

  3. admin July 8, 2009 at 9:06 am - Reply

    Hi Melanie,

    Thanks so much for your response. You reminded all of us at Lefkoe Institute why we come to work every day: to make the kind of difference you described.

    Eliminating beliefs is even more powerful than reading about it, so I urge you to use the free belief-elimination process at

    You can purchase a copy of my book at

    And most of the major negative self-esteem beliefs can be eliminated in a program that has 19 of the most common crippling negative self-esteem beliefs, If you want to work on any material not on the on-line program, you can call us for private phone sessions, (415) 506-4472.

    If you have any questions or further comments, please let me know.

    Regards, Morty

  4. Melanie July 7, 2009 at 9:32 pm - Reply

    Morty, This information is priceless! I receive literally hundreds of emails each day and I don’t get to all of them, but many. Yours was well worth it. It isn’t very often now that I read anything in which I actually learn something new, or feel compelled to share with others, but your writing is amazing! I have had a page open for days now from you, the practice page to eliminate beliefs. I must give it a try. If you haven’t written a book yet, you should, and if you did, please direct me towards it! I am going to have to go back and read your prior posts because this information is phenomenal. Thank you for sharing your brilliance with the world! Do you have any material to help someone with their low self-esteem based on weight fluctuation? If you do, please email me, I could really use it. Thank you again. I truly think that one day you will be as popular as Bob Proctor, Jose Silva and all the other greats. I appreciate your wisdom and what you are doing here is simply wonderful. Keep up the good work and thanks for all of it!

    Melanie Joy Vertalino

  5. Will July 7, 2009 at 5:56 pm - Reply

    In 1985 I realized “my experiences confirm my beliefs.” So to change my experiences I needed to first examine and change the beliefs I had. Because of that work I was able to find new employment, travel the country doing what I loved and finding time to re-organize my life. That’s why I appreciate Morty’s work so much! He gets to the core of what needs to change…your beliefs. But before you can change a belief, you must first become aware you have it. And the best way I’ve learned to discover if there’s a belief in my way is to look at my experiences…are they what I want? If not, what would someone have to believe to be experiencing what I’m experiencing. I take notes and write down all the possibilities until I find the one that really resonates. Thanks, Morty!

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