In an attempt to reduce mistakes and failures and to increase the rate of success, people who manage or coach others often tell them: “You need to operate as if ‘Failure is not an option’.”

Failure Not An Option.By this they mean that you should have a mindset that has you do whatever it takes to insure success, that has you persist in the face of obstacles, that has you give it all you’ve got and then some.

There’s nothing wrong with that type of mindset; it’s actually quite valuable. I spent years trying to acquire that mindset myself. At some point I realized, however, that if you take that admonition literally, innovation is virtually impossible to achieve.

Success is never guaranteed when you’re
trying something new

It is virtually impossible to do something brand new—to innovate, or to create from scratch—without failing at least some of the time.  You’ve got to be willing to make mistakes and fail if you want to do something new, something for which there is no tried and true method for success.

This is why the beliefs Mistakes and failure are bad and If I make a mistake or fail I’ll be rejected are so pernicious. They make one afraid to do anything that might result in a mistake or failure, which precludes the possibility of true innovation.

I’m not suggesting that you should deliberately make mistakes or try to fail; I’m saying you need to be willing to make mistakes and fail. Do all the appropriate research and gathering of information; get input from others when necessary; use your best thinking; be willing to trust your intuition. And then be willing to accept and learn from something less than what you intended if that’s what occurs despite your best efforts.

Unintended results can always be a
valuable learning experience

You either achieve what you intended or you do not. If you do, great. If you do not, you have the opportunity to learn from the result and make adjustments in an attempt to come closer to your goal the next time. And often when what you achieve isn’t what you originally intended, you might achieve something that is even more useful or valuable that the original intended result.

Here’s what I suggest

First, eliminate the beliefs Mistakes and failure are bad and If I make a mistake or fail I’ll be rejected. Then take some chances and start whatever you’ve been putting off starting. If you don’t get the result you wanted, don’t use the phrases “I made a mistake” and “I failed.” Instead, ask yourself the question, “What can I learn from this experience?” And then, try again. Repeat these steps until you notice one day that you are amazed with all you have done that you had never done before.

Thanks for reading my blog. Please post your questions or comments about my contention that failure needs to be an option; it is an inevitable consequence of an innovative life. Disagreement is as welcome as agreement. Your comments add value for thousands of readers. I love to read them all and I will respond to as many as I can.

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If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to our interactive online belief-unlearning program where you can unlearn several limiting beliefs free.

You also can find out about Natural Confidence, an interactive digital program that enables you to unlearn 19 of the most common beliefs, which cause some of the most common behavioral and emotional problems we face.


  1. Alan September 24, 2014 at 10:15 am - Reply

    It always amazes me how often failure and quitting are lumped together.
    As you said, failure is simply an opportunity for learning, to do better next time.
    I’d even go so far as to say it’s essential for success.

    Quitting on the other hand is final, a zero-sum game.
    For those who ultimately succeed, it’s because quitting was not an option.

    Thanks for the thoughtful post!

  2. Michael Rose September 24, 2014 at 8:25 am - Reply

    The word “failure” has too much baggage (overtones). I prefer “setbacks”, as in “Setbacks and mistakes are opportunities for learning”

  3. Simon September 24, 2014 at 5:56 am - Reply

    Hi Morty, In regards to public speaking, some people tell me they “get over” the fear of public speaking by repetition, without eliminating beliefs. Is this really possible in your opinion? I have a theory that what they may have done is reduced the fear but not eliminated it? Also it may be because of “situational” beliefs. What I mean by this is, if someone goes to the same networking meeting, with the same people week after week they could feel more comfortable with speaking as they have “learnt” that nothing too bad is going to happen. However, if they experience going to a different group, with different people the fear comes hurtling back, because the beliefs havent been eliminated. If people never put themselves outside of their habitual environment, they then convince themselves that they have reduced the fear of public speaking by repetition only. Love to know your thoughts.

    • Morty Lefkoe September 24, 2014 at 7:53 am - Reply

      Hi Simon,

      I agree with you totally. I think that is exactly what happens.

      Thanks for taking the time to post.

      Love, Morty

      • Carol September 25, 2014 at 12:22 pm - Reply

        Simon and Morty,

        I totally agree with your viewpoint Simon. I discovered Morty’s work when I was researching how to help clients overcome the fear of public speaking, as I am a public speaking coach and trainer. Re your note about “situational” beliefs, I have seen exactly this occur with Toastmasters clubs. Although Toastmasters can be extremely beneficial to help people develop their basic speaking skills, members who don’t stretch beyond their own club are, I suspect, masking the underlying fear without being able to acknowledge it. Thanks for your comments.

    • BM September 24, 2014 at 5:44 pm - Reply

      I agree 100% as I experience these feelings at work.

  4. Jan September 24, 2014 at 3:26 am - Reply

    Failure is not an option, indeed, it’s probably the best option.

    Failures and mistakes are the way to learn, grow and change things for the better.

    And most of the times, failures and mistakes make up the best part a good story and outcome afterwards :-)

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