Based on surveys of my blog readers, most of you are primarily interested in changing your “creation”—in other words, you want to improve your daily life by eliminating behavioral and emotional barriers.  For example, you want to stop your anxiety and be able to take actions that you are unable to take now.

Some of you, however, seem to be more interested in growing spiritually—in other words, creating an altered state of consciousness in which you experience yourself as the creator of your life.

In fact, both are crucial to a life of happiness and fulfillment.  And, I’m proud to say,The Lefkoe Method enables you to work on both at the same time.

You can’t ignore either state

Unfortunately, some people focus solely on spiritual growth, to the exclusion of improving their flesh and blood “creation.”  Such people can be said to be “hiding out in spirituality, in their spiritual practice.

Here’s an example of what I mean.  I was talking to a new client the other day who told me that she had been meditating and working hard on her “spiritual practice” for over 10 years, and couldn’t understand why she had seen virtually no change in her concern about what others thought about her, her fear of making mistakes, her procrastination, and the negative self-talk that filled her mind almost all the time.  What was she doing wrong, she asked me.

I replied that she had neglected a crucial aspect of who she is.  You see, many people have experienced a non-dual state of consciousness through meditation and think that all that is “real” is a formless, eternal, consciousness.  For them, physical reality and the people named Morty, Joe, etc. are not “real.”  As a result, they try to ignore, to the extent possible, “reality.”

Physical reality is “real”

There are several problems with this point of view.

First, how can you expect an improvement in your “creation,” the person who acts and feels, if you ignore it and pretend it doesn’t “really” exist?

Second, it may well be true that consciousness is the source of physical reality, in other words, that physical reality is a manifestation of consciousness.  But that fact does not mean that physical reality is not real. 

There is an old metaphor that explains this point clearly for me.  It is as if consciousness is an ocean.  The ocean creates (manifests) individual, specific waves.  So there really are specific waves in different locations that are different from other waves, even though each of them comes from and will shortly return to the entire ocean.

Who you ultimately are

So who you ultimately are is formless, non-dual consciousness and, at the present moment, you also have manifested as a specific creation.  Moreover, and this is crucial to remember, that creation has specific beliefs and conditionings.  They, in turn, determine your behavior and feelings and—by being the primary source of your occurrings—your beliefs also determine your moment-to-moment responses to events.

I remember reading a book by Jack Kornfield, a Buddhist teacher at Spirit Rock near my home in California, who spent many years meditating and following a spiritual path in Thailand and other Far East countries.  He wrote how in meditative states he totally transcended his body and dissolved in white light.  He spent hundreds of hours in a state in which there was no distinction between the observer and what was observed.  And yet, he reported, when he came back to America to teach he had all the same relationships problems he had had before his years of meditation.

This is not to minimize the importance of a spiritual practice.  Recognizing that you are the creator of your life—as people experience in the Who Am I Really? (WAIR?) Process that is part of the Lefkoe Belief Process—provides an invaluable context to living as a creation.

Recognize you are both consciousness and a creation

So what should you do to live your best life possible?  Recognize you are both the creator of your life (consciousness) and a creation (the person reading this post).  And because you are both, work on both.  Continue to eliminate the beliefs and conditionings that determine your behavior and feelings, and also learn to stop giving meaning to daily events, which will give you the ability to create your experience of life, moment by moment.

And find some spiritual practice, be it meditation, putting yourself in the “creator state” (an altered state of consciousness you can enter by using the WAIR? Process), or whatever else you choose.  In that altered state you are able to get a valuable perspective on your life as a creation that cannot be obtained merely by working on the creation.

Please leave your comments and questions here about today’s post.  I read all posts and answer as many as I can.

If you found this post useful, please tell your friends and followers by using the buttons at the top of this post.

If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to htp:// where you can eliminate one negative belief free.

For information about eliminating 23 of the most common limiting beliefs and conditionings—which cause eight of the most common problems in our lives including a lack of confidence—and get a separate video of the WAIR? Process, please check out:

To get my blog posts as podcasts, sign up for the RSS feed above or look up “Morty Lefkoe” at iTunes to get the podcasts sent to you weekly.


copyright ©2012 Morty Lefkoe


  1. Edred December 1, 2012 at 8:33 am - Reply

    Yes this is true we are the creator and the creation but on the Natural Confidence program on “Who am I really” I believe Morty stated that we are not our thoughts and beliefs. I think that’s incorrect. I am the “I” the creator and the creation ie beliefs, thoughts, feeling, manifestations.

  2. Fay January 29, 2012 at 12:34 am - Reply

    Hi Ellis,

    I think all these thoughts and questioning about the religions reflect a deep thinker inside of you! Had it myself!

    Did you try reading Quran the book for muslims? I did, and guess what?
    it’s a long journey for the whole ME – the creation and the consciousness

    Thank you for a great, belief eliminating method, really worked for me. Managed to distinguish between the reality and the meaning I give to this reality, which saved me lots of suffering and made me a stronger person.


    • Morty Lefkoe January 29, 2012 at 1:53 pm - Reply

      Hi Fay,

      Glad to hear that our work has been helpful to you. Please share with others so we can make it available to the whole world.


  3. Patrick January 26, 2012 at 2:20 pm - Reply

    I find myself in the Ellis post, I am so spirtual to the point of being no earthly good.
    I seem to attract polar opposites, people who are so earthly they are spiritually no good, thus causing irreconcilible differences.

    I understand we all try to persuade and influence each other for a desired result, at the same time I feel I am being coerced into situations and have no choices at all.

    Or if it is my choice and is labeled wrongly by others, it seems there is a real force of good vs evil. And it appears that evil is winning. I am not talking about the obvious, but the subtle. The toxic jerks and negative people, I understand you have to accept that others are that way, and to steer clear of it.

    Some people have told me that mean spirited people don’t exist, it’s all in your head. Which makes me wonder if they are in denial. Can’t we all agree, that yes there are heartless, thoughtless people in the world?

    Then again, once we do, then we have to make pragmatic decisons don’t we, want to work for a living, guess what, theres a good chance you will run into toxic people and if you want to keep your job, shut up or leave. If you want to keep your spouse shut up or leave.

    Many times I chose to leave and felt freeing, yet when I get back into new situations, its just a different being, but the hassles are the same. It’s about as hilarious as it is tragic.

    You can’t run to the Bible and escape or to anything or anywhere else, its all a matter of power trips, and persuading and influence and leverage peddling to where you want to go, be and do.

    I feel your program is a great service to understand not only how we create our beliefs, but to understand human nature itself. It ain’t pretty and in some situations you just have to walk away. Choose your words carefully, and check yourself before you wreck your relations.

    Thanks Morty.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 27, 2012 at 6:28 pm - Reply

      Hi Patrick,

      If you keep finding toxic people in your life, you might want to check your beleifs and see what you believe that would have you keep finding those people in your life. I don’t find people like that very often.

      And can someone be spiritual and do things we consider bad, of course.


  4. robert January 18, 2012 at 1:34 am - Reply

    we believe that the meaning is real
    we believe that we are the creator/controller/director of our life ?
    thank you.

  5. robert January 18, 2012 at 1:33 am - Reply

    your goal is to help us
    seeing the difference,
    moment by moment,
    between “what is in the world” and “what exist only in our mind” as does eckart tolle ?
    thank you.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 18, 2012 at 1:44 am - Reply

      Hi Robert,

      That’s part of it, but not all of it. Or, that’s one way to look at it, but not the only way.


  6. robert January 17, 2012 at 10:43 am - Reply

    when you say “how reality occurs to us”,
    you mean “how this reality here now occurs to us” ?

    usually our minds are in the past and in the future, creating bad feelings.
    in these situations what i have to do ?
    – i have to see the difference between what is here now and what is in my mind (past and future) ?
    – i have to stay in my mind imagining past-future events, etc. ?
    thank you.

  7. Ellis January 17, 2012 at 6:47 am - Reply

    I have a sticky note on my desk that says “What would I have to do today to make my day count?”. That is a very deep question on many levels. Count to whom? Me, those around me, and the Higher Purpose. It really comes down to what gives my life meaning.

    I was brought up in the traditional Christian belief system. To make a r-e-a-l long story short, I woke up day while listening to the preacher and asked myself why do I believe anything he says? He’s no smarter or more spiritual than I am. Plus, is anything I think really true? That started years of researching the history of Christianity, the Bible, ancient religions, eastern religions, and religion within itself. I had to know where religion came from. It occurred to me all I have is a belief. I didnt want to be a “believer” – I wanted to be a “knower”. It took me a while to free myself from the labyrinth of religion and to see it for what it is.

    It was a short leap from there to understand the whole of who I think I am is nothing but a belief within itself. I am a collection of ideas, concepts, interpretations of my world experience so far. But how much of it is “true”. And if I am nothing but a group of thoughts frozen in time we call beliefs, who am I – really? I knew I could step outside of myself and observe “me” from another perspective. The real me must be that one that is doing the observing.

    I view beliefs as nothing more than thoughts frozen in time. To change the belief to me is about understanding where my original thought came from to begin with. As a silly example, consider the background color of this blog page. It’s white. But why is it “white”. The scientific mind would come up with with theory about light, but thats not the point. Its white because when we were all children our parents told us this color is white. And thats the only reason its white. Someone told us so. We attached a label to it. Heres the clincher – as long as we all say its white, everythings fine. Let someone that has a different view or is color blind says its anything but white and we have conflict on our hands. But its nothing but a label.

    We drive on the right side of the road in the US and the Brits drive on the left side. Who’s right?

    During my researching religion years, I discovered there are about 20,000 different Christian belief systems in the US. Who’s right? They all cant be or can they? Each one will vehemently defend their beliefs. So will any religion. I am an audio visual contractor that deals primarily with churches. I have seen’em dunked, sprinkled, and splashed. I have attended hundreds of various services in the process of installing A/V systems. Every church thinks they are “right” and every other one down the street is wrong about what they believe. Millions of peoples lives have been destroyed or ruined over the centuries in the name of God. Study the Inquisition. What a horrible period of history to live through. Beliefs are incredibly strong.

    The point I’m trying to make here, is I realized my whole self concept was nothing more than “what they said” – what I took in as a child without any questioning of “is that true?” or some event I misinterpreted and attached a label to. I was living life on a treadmill someone else had built – this is who “we” expect and have trained you to be. It wasnt until I started examining my beliefs one by one that slowly I began breaking down my “reality filter” – the filter we all see life through. We all see what we expect to see which creates more of that for us to see. How many times have we seen that “unique” dress, outfit, car, or other thing, get it, only to see it everywhere later? It wasnt unique at all! We didnt see it before because we werent looking for it. Its work, or has been for me, to really “see”. Therein is where I really appreciate the tools Morty has built – tools to break down my beliefs so I can examine them more closely with objectivity.

    B Ramakrishnan, I think you are right. The challenge to me is just to “be” and see what is here now. I remember reading where the Buddha silently raised a flower before a group of students and only one or so nodded at the understanding. The challenge too is to make this life useful. There is an expression “that person is so spiritual he is of no earthly good”. Sitting in the mountains being spiritual somehow doesnt seem to be useful LOL. So back to my original ponder, after waking up, choosing a new being choice, being free of religiousness, and “seeing”, – what does one do with this knowledge? We all cant simply stand or sit around in bliss anticipating the return to Oneness.

    My favorite book in the Bible is Ecclesiastes because it pretty much sums it up – all under the sun is vanity – drink, eat and be merry. In other words, enjoy the ride but dont get attached to it! Dont fret the details LOL. What I have decided to do is find something every day that makes my life count in the betterment of someone around me while I enjoy the ride for myself. What gives my life meaning is what I decide it does. Its really that simple.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 17, 2012 at 10:44 am - Reply

      Hi Ellis,

      A great post! Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts and life story.

      People reading it will get two posts here instead of one: mine and yours.

      I’m happy that our work has been helpful to you in your journey. That’s my mission in life.

      Love, Morty

  8. Rich January 17, 2012 at 2:56 am - Reply


    Thank you for another lucid, inspiring blog.

    Been doing the Lefkoe process 2-3 times a week for the past 2 months, and just got up to “I’m not adequate” on the course. The interesting thing was I finished it – and immediately a whole host of memories came up with a sense of “I’m not powerful”.
    So I am closer to clearing my core beliefs. To help me become more conscious, I have been reading “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle alongside doing your process – to help me realise I am the creator and the creation. I have spent the last 12 years working on myself and doing a LOT of personal development. I have probably made the fastest process the few weeks on your course. I am still scared (on occasion) that “Nothing will work for me” and I have a sense that “Everyone hates me” (I don’t fit in”). However, my mind IS quietening. I feel scared to continue the course in case I suddenly hit a blank with examples of where beliefs came from. But I am writing dates in my diary as I type this!

    Tonight I will do the “Who Am I Really?” exercise, inspired by this example. I think your work is outstanding, and I can’t believe how effective it is. I do have questions. For instance, I know your talk about patterns coming from early on in life (from interactions with parents in the first 6 years), but I was sent thousands of miles away to boarding School when I was 9. Whilst I am sure many patterns came from my parents, it was a “horrible experience” in many ways. And I am looking to shift the meaning in the previous sentence to something more empowering like “My parents thought the best way to help me have a fulfilling life was to educate me and they had an opportunity to send me to boarding school for free, so they took it. It was their way of being good parents.” Thank you for the blessing of your course. I am so grateful.

    – Rich

    • Morty Lefkoe January 17, 2012 at 10:42 am - Reply

      Hi Rich,

      I’m sure you formed some beleifs at boarding school. I was sent to a boarding school when I was seven for two years, but I already had formed most of my negative self-esteem beliefs.

      Look for the earliest source of your beleifs, not the most obvious one. I think you’ll find something in your first six years with your parents for your self-esteem beleifs.

      Thanks for your interest in our work.


  9. Melody Demone January 15, 2012 at 6:23 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    What a powerful piece, I love this because I personally identify it as the link between the all. Often I would use the link between sexuality and spirituality for example. There is this common fallacy that they are mutually exclusive and I spend my life seeing the link within the all and embracing it, so that each part has its place respectively.

    I have shared this link with one friend in particular, who I feel will definitely benefit from these words. Only a few days ago I yelled in frustration, what is the point of meditating for 2 hours a day if you can’t even communicate! In the search for certain spiritual experiences that some may call enlightenment. It is very easy to lose yourself and get lost within the inside world.

    I love that you are speaking of finding the balance. It is this balance that I continuously strive to attain for me it is Harmonic Wealth.

    Thank you again.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 15, 2012 at 11:06 pm - Reply

      Hi Melody,

      Glad you found the post useful. Thanks for taking the time to join the discussion.

      Love, Morty

  10. robert January 15, 2012 at 10:20 am - Reply

    dear morty,
    if we are the creator of our life,
    so we can create everything we want to be, have and do ?
    how ?
    what is your solution the get everything we want ?
    thank you.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 15, 2012 at 11:10 pm - Reply

      Hi Robert,

      We create the beliefs that determine what we do and feel. I’m not sure that we can directly create what happens to us, in other words,what happens in the world. Although we do determine how reality occurs to us.

      Love, Morty

  11. Eva Gregory January 12, 2012 at 7:14 am - Reply

    Mr. Lefkoe,
    I believe a major flaw in your theory is that we are not the creators of our lives. God is the creator. We are not a formless blob – a wave in the ocean. We are all unique creations – made as God chose to make us in his ultimate wisdom. We are, however, given free choice over how we choose to live and what we choose to do with what we are given. Our physical and spiritual beings begin and end with God – with prayer, with bible reading, and meditation on God’s word. That’s where we will find our answers. I think that is the missing ingredient in most self-help type of teaching. Why is it that people are willing to travel around the world to “encounter” the Budda, but won’t experience God in their own home?
    Please anyone reading this, put God first and you will be amazed at the change in your life. “But seek first his hingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

    • Lauren January 12, 2012 at 10:08 am - Reply

      Actually, religion and its accompanying spirituality is a “belief”. What’s missing in most self-help circles is the comp0nent Morty is talking about. As he says in the Who-Am-I-Really process, “You feel like nothing is missing.” Some of the ways I’ve felt after doing the process: serene, powerful, strong….and I didn’t have to travel around the world to experience it. I did it right here in my own home. And I disagree that my physical and spiritual being “begins and ends with God.” As far as “amazing changes” I found more since getting rid of beliefs than in all the years I grew up with the bible. If you find what you’re looking for in your bible, great; but it isn’t the “only place”, just one place.

    • B Ramakrishnan January 17, 2012 at 2:29 am - Reply

      Dear Eva,

      Have you ever cooked food ? Tell me if you can keep track of what has happened to each morsel of food that you have cooked ? Once you have cooked the food, you place it on a plate and either eat it or you give it to someone to eat. Once it is eaten, are you bothered about what happens to what you cooked ? All you are bothered about is whether it keeps the eater fed, nurtured and feel loved. Thats it.

      Understand that Creation is God’s Child. We are the morsels it puts into Creation’s mouth. Now do you ask the carrot in the stew to go give vitamin A to the eyes of your child ? It is the job of the body of the child and the carrot to figure out how to get the vitamin to the eyes.

      Why would god give us brains and free will, when he could create us as machines who can just do as told and not give him any lip in the process !

      For all you have read the BIBLE, you have forgotten the most basic thing. Do you know what that is ? GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE !

      GOD created us to be Creators of our own destiny ! So there is nothing wrong in what Morty is saying or in his so called theory. It is God’s own plan and don’t try try quibbling with him on this. Are you feeling inadequate in taking responsibility for your own destiny ? You are using the Bible like a drunk uses a lamp post. For support or as crutches rather than for illumination.

      This is why something like Morty’s offerings help because they give you the confidence to tackle your problems head on and resolve them in your favor. Again remember the old adage GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES !

      • Morty Lefkoe January 17, 2012 at 10:51 am - Reply

        Hi “B”,

        Thanks again for your interest in our work and for taking the time to post a reply to another poster.

        I really appreciate your support and I’m glad you are finding value in our work.

        Love, Morty

  12. Pawan January 12, 2012 at 5:45 am - Reply


    “I too face relationship problems; at home and at office” This is what I could have said until a couple of months ago. But now the situation has somewhat melted down. I have started feeling comfortable; at both places. Thanks for rendering this change through your posts. In fact, I kept you in my best four bloggers, see my website. I want some more advices on the following topics:

    How to enter the creator state/altered state, which you have mentioned in this post?
    How to enter that state more frequently and consciously?
    How to get hold of / understand that WAIR?
    Any other suggestions are also welcome.




  13. Lauren January 11, 2012 at 10:01 pm - Reply

    I eliminated beliefs through the Natural Confidence program and participated in the Occurring Course. Since then(2010), my life has expanded, both as consciousness and the creation. When I was younger, I experienced something spiritual-like I was in a state of pure consciousness. Since then, I, too searched for that feeling again. The WAIR brought me to that state where I, once again, felt that connection and that I was part of something whole. Since 2010, my world has expanded, both as the creator and the creation. Morty’s metaphor of waves on the ocean is a great way to explain this relationship. At this time in my life, I am doing the Master Key System(halfway through) as a way to further expand myself in those ways. The best thing about WAIR and the LOP, is that I can always use them and they are always relevant instead of a “one-shot” deal.
    @Jeff: my experience feeling Oneness occurred for me in the late 70s and I knew very little about Far Eastern religion. I felt part of something bigger than myself sort of like the hologram explanation of the Universe: we represent the universe and are a part of it as individuals. Actually, the Tao Te Ching explained this better than anything in the Bible. But I had the experience first, the I searched for a way to explain what I’d experienced. Hope this helps.

  14. Jeff January 11, 2012 at 7:59 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    Thanks for responding. I agree with you on the importance of spirituality (and balancing it), I just disagree slightly with what you define as spirituality. I don’t really consider self-centered meditation to be a “spiritual” experience, let alone “spirituality” itself.

    To call it that, to me, is to endorse Eastern religious practices and/or New Age spirituality without saying it. Or, at least, it inches uncomfortably (for me) close to doing so. I appreciate the concepts behind WAIR etc. but I would stop short of calling it spiritual development. Please correct me if you think this is an inaccurate representation.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 18, 2012 at 12:48 am - Reply

      Hi Jeff,

      Maybe you don’t consider meditation to be spiritual, but the Hindu and Buddhist traditions do. That factt doesn’t make one right and one wrong, but there are two great religious traditions that have a different definition of spirituality.

      Also, I didn’t say we are God (although the Bible does say we are made in God’s image). I said we create the beliefs that pretty much determine our lives and when beliefs are eliminated, our lives change dramatically.

      Also, when one does the WAIR? Process one experiences that one has no limitations and that anything is possible. I am not claiming that is true, I’m only saying that is what tens of thousands of people report when they are in that altered state of consciousness.

      Thanks for your posts and expamding the conversation.


      • Jeff January 18, 2012 at 3:39 am - Reply

        Hey Morty,

        Thanks for clarifying. That really helps me greater understand the underlying philosophy. I love it in theory, though personally I have had a difficulty eliminating beliefs.

        Also, I definitely agree that meditation can be spiritual, I guess I had more of an issue with that singularly being defined as spirituality. I haven’t had much experience with it but I recognize the benefits. I think I will make more of an effort and seriously try the WAIR process.

        What do you mean when you say “altered state of consciousness”?

  15. Jeff January 11, 2012 at 4:30 pm - Reply

    Hmm…isn’t this entire post just a rephrasing of Eastern/New Age “spirituality”? That’s obvious enough, but, it was framed in a non-religious context, when in my opinion it is.

    “So who you ultimately are is formless, non-dual consciousness”

    Uh…no. Well, maybe, but since I’m not a Buddhist or New Ager I don’t think along those lines. I think it’s a stretch to conclusively say something like this, especially in a spiritual (and not strictly personal development) sense.

    I know this is an aside from the message of the post, but the overlap between actual Eastern and New Age religion with the self-help methods with Lefkoe have been a recurring issue for me. Any non-New Ager care to offer a perspective?

    • Morty Lefkoe January 11, 2012 at 4:44 pm - Reply

      Hi Jeff,

      Maybe it is a rephrasing of something someone else has said.

      This is how I see the issue and all of it is my point of view.

      I think there are two “aspects” of ourselves. So people are not at all in touch with the spiritual aspect. But many people who are, think that is all they are and ignore the creation. That is my experience of a lot of people and what I have read in several places.

      I just want to point out that both aspects of ourselves are important to develop. If both of those aspects are not read to you or any other person, that’s fine.

      Thanks for joining the conversation.


    • B Ramakrishnan January 17, 2012 at 2:11 am - Reply


      Could I offer something here ?

      I think you are under the belief that Buddhists and New Agers have invented stuff that is fooling people. They did not “invent” the stuff they talked about. They discovered what already existed.

      Christopher Columbus only discovered America because it existed already. He was not involved in any way of creating the Americas from nothing or play any role in placing them where they are.

      I suggest you just go through the process that Morty talks about, the “What you really are” or WAIR and examine the experience you have. If in this experience you still feel that you have form and are still separate from the Universal consciousness, you are probably unique.

      By the very way you are writing, it is clear that you have not undergone the experience. If you experience it properly, you would not have these kind of doubts.

      Just for the record, Buddhism started off as a Self help method ! Similarly, every single guy who started any New Age philosophy started off from a self help perspective. It is like saying that water has no business being wet !

      • Jeff January 18, 2012 at 12:34 am - Reply


        I appreciate what you’re saying and accept that certain valuable principles can be found in almost any belief system. My issue, or question really, is one of whether the Lefkoe method is an explicit endorsement of an ideology I’m not particularly fond of. Again, there are definitely redeeming qualities within it — but ultimately I reject the pick-and-choose-keep-what-I-like New Age “spirituality” (for example, pretending A Course in Miracles is Biblical), the collectivist mentality (the Universal consciousness you mentioned), and the political overlap so often found (environmentalism, globalism, etc.).

        Also, as an intellectual exercise it is fine — but I don’t think all things are relative. I love that the Lefkoe method challenges beliefs and conventional wisdom — but I think it’s dangerous to apply that across the board.

        “I believe a major flaw in your theory is that we are not the creators of our lives. God is the creator. We are not a formless blob – a wave in the ocean.”

        Morty, could you respond to this? From what I understand, you say we are the creator of our lives in the sense that we are the creator of our beliefs. And since we are the creator of our beliefs, and beliefs determine our actions, we are the creators of our lives. But no more or less than that. (In other words, it’s about reframing perspective and becoming empowered based on it, not challenging God or claiming you are God).

  16. Jose January 11, 2012 at 3:44 pm - Reply

    @Ayo: Well, your work IS superficial, but what is wrong about caring for the surface?.

    Some people care only about the surface, and there is no inner matter and make a facade that does not represent what is inside, they care only on what other people could see…

    …but you can help people to express to others as their are externally, and this is valuable as people need others to see their blind spots, or you just have better taste witch the world needs more of.

    There is also a connection link between the external and the internal, improving one of them will improve the other and also worsening one will affect the other.

  17. Tommy January 11, 2012 at 12:12 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty –

    I’d love to read your reply to “Ellis” post above. I totally get where he/she is coming from, and feel very much the same.

    I enjoy your work, and am revisiting Natural Confidence.


    • Morty Lefkoe January 11, 2012 at 3:26 pm - Reply

      Hi Tommy,

      I just posted a response to Ellis. Does it answer your questions?

      Love, Morty

  18. JD January 11, 2012 at 9:50 am - Reply

    Morty, your work is amazing. i’ve done the fear of public speaking program and it was truly life-changing. i “hid out in spirituality” for many years and still do so too much it seems. i’d like to see more of your programs available on cd for use at home. many may not have $1,000+ to spend on a live course but like myself, would happily spend $2-300 for courses such as the occurring course if it were available as a home-study course on cd. other programs i’ve been involved with (sedona method for ex.) do so with great success (they actually sell recorded live trainings). however, your belief /w.a.i.r. process is even better and could be made to work on other specific areas of life as you obviously know. hope to see this available someday. Best,

    • Morty Lefkoe January 11, 2012 at 3:20 pm - Reply

      Hi JD,

      I’m not sure what you are looking for. We do offer a package of the most common 19 beleifs and four conditionings that cause 8 of the most common problems we face daily. You can check it out at

      I haven’t yet found a way to put the Occurring Course into a digital format. At present it requires feedback from me to each participant weekly. When I find a way to put that course on video, I will

      The training to learn how to eliminate beleifs on your own is available in a digital format. See

      What else would you like us to provide and I’ll see what we can do.

      Love, Morty

  19. Jesse Adams January 11, 2012 at 8:31 am - Reply

    Morty, this teaching is excellent. I am so thankful that I have discovered your website and your teaching. After reading today’s post, I’m reminded of a phrase I heard our pastor say in church over 30 years ago. He said, “some people are so spiritually minded that they are no earthly good.” On another occasion, he said, “Even though you have God in your life, you still have to change the oil in your car.” Great wisdom!

  20. Ellis January 11, 2012 at 8:31 am - Reply

    This has really cleared up an area that has been muddy in my mind for years. I too was working on becoming more conscious, thinking that working from a higher place will automatically change the creation.

    But it was always confusing in my mind because I know that I am spirit and ego, but I am not ultimately ego since I view ego as “my story” – who I think I am (or thought I was – I figured that out years ago).

    It’s too long to go into here, but I mentally woke up about 10 years ago in a split second of insight and realized I had taken on the personification of the character I was playing in a movie script. I as the actor in a movie had completely forgotten who I really am and thought / believed down to the depths of my soul, convinced I was the character I was playing. I lost myself. To wake up was frankly terrifying because I didnt know who I was. If I am not my story, who am I? I was a basket case for three days and I’m not kidding. I was a mess. It took me a while to put it together.

    But getting back to todays blog, in your metaphor, I know I am the ocean. But I also knew ego is real, seems to have its own agenda, and is the moving force here right now. Its sorta like I’m spirit riding in a car thats driving where it wants to go, not where I want to go, and the steering wheel is missing LOL.

    When I woke up, I think I made the mistake of seeing my ego as a shell to be cast off – gotten rid of, not needed any more, a nuisance. My thinking was, as spirit how can I grab a hold of that steering wheel and make the car go where I want to go to create the “magical” life I have imagined for myself. I’ve been working at it from that end for years and as you said completely ignoring the reality of my physical resistance more or less. It seems now that its about being aware that I am spirit working through a creative entity – I am both and as you said, I need to work on both at the same time. Its about the “awareness” of the situation. I simply cannot walk away from my physical component in this reality or drag it around treating it like some unwanted child. I may be awake but I’m still standing on the stage with a script in my hand. I need to do something useful with it and figure out how to make the experience more meaningful and joyful.

    The problem I see is “knowing” all of this and turning it into a useful life. I have been stuck for years with the “knowing” and not knowing what to do with it. I get frustrated every New Years eve looking back on my journals / goals and see that I am stuck exactly at the same place in life I was 10 years ago. I feel like 10 years of my life have been completely wasted. I keep looking for that one piece of information that will finally unlock my “stuckness”.

    I love that line – “hiding out in spirituality”. Thats great! Never thought of it that way.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 11, 2012 at 3:25 pm - Reply

      Hi Ellis,

      I’m not sure there is that one piece of information tjaty will finallyunlock your stuckness. How exactly are you stuck?

      You can improve both your creation and your experience of yourself as the creator by eliminating beliefs and conditionings, using the WAIR? Process, and mastering your occurring.

      When you can get that events have no meaning and that your life is a function of the meaning you give meaningless events, you will have given the ultimate freedom to the creation at the same time you experience yourself as the creator of your life.

      Love, Morty

    • B Ramakrishnan January 17, 2012 at 2:43 am - Reply

      Hi Ellis,

      Maybe I can help here.

      You are basically stuck at how to utilize the insights you have gained in way that is productive in sustaining your physical existence in a manner that is as joyful and blissful as your spiritual practice. Am I right ?

      I think your answer to that problem lies in ZEN Buddhism. It is the art of NOW. There are two ways of using this. One is to take the events of your life as they come and try flying it from the seat of your pants. The second is arrive at something you would like to take up as a service for the people in your community that is BIG and Hairy enough for you. You can then use your insights etc to start putting together an enterprise that will accomplish that goal. Given your insights, it will be a cinch. You just have to take the first step, then the next, then the next. before you know it, the gravy train will be steaming out of the Depot.

      Cheers !

      • Ellis January 17, 2012 at 6:45 am - Reply

        I have a sticky note on my desk that says “What would I have to do today to make my day count?”. That is a very deep question on many levels. Count to whom? Me, those around me, and the Higher Purpose. It really comes down to what gives my life meaning.

        I was brought up in the traditional Christian belief system. To make a r-e-a-l long story short, I woke up day while listening to the preacher and asked myself why do I believe anything he says? He’s no smarter or more spiritual than I am. Plus, is anything I think really true? That started years of researching the history of Christianity, the Bible, ancient religions, eastern religions, and religion within itself. I had to know where religion came from. It occurred to me all I have is a belief. I didnt want to be a “believer” – I wanted to be a “knower”. It took me a while to free myself from the labyrinth of religion and to see it for what it is.

        It was a short leap from there to understand that the whole of who I think I am is nothing but a belief within itself. I am a collection of ideas, concepts, interpretations of my world experience so far. But how much of it is “true”. And if I am nothing but a group of thoughts frozen in time we call beliefs, who am I – really? I knew I could step outside of myself and observe “me” from another perspective. The real me must be the one that is doing the observing.

        I view beliefs as nothing more than thoughts frozen in time. To change the belief to me is about understanding where my original thought came from to begin with.

        As a silly example, consider the background color of this blog page. It’s white. But why is it “white”. The scientific mind would come up with with theory about light, but thats not the point. Its white because when we were all children our parents told us this color is white. And thats the only reason its white. Someone told us so. We attached a label to it. Heres the clincher – as long as we all say its white, everythings fine. Let someone that has a different view or is color blind says its anything but white and we have conflict on our hands. But its nothing but a label.

        We drive on the right side of the road in the US and the Brits drive on the left side. Who’s right?

        During my researching religion years, I discovered there are about 20,000 different Christian belief systems in the US. Who’s right? They all cant be or can they? Each one will vehemently defend their beliefs. So will any religion. I am an audio visual contractor that deals primarily with churches. I have seen’em dunked, sprinkled, and splashed. I have attended hundreds of various services in the process of installing A/V systems, having some very long talks with ministers with many letters after their names. I have had some very deep conversations with some very smart, well educated people.

        Every church thinks they are “right” and every other one down the street is wrong about what they believe. Millions of peoples lives have been destroyed or ruined over the centuries in the name of God. Study the Inquisition. What a horrible period of history to live through. Beliefs are incredibly strong.

        The point I’m trying to make here, is I realized my whole self concept was nothing more than “what they said” – what I took in as a child without any questioning of “is that true?” or some event I misinterpreted and attached a label to. I was living life on a treadmill someone else had built – this is who “we” expect and have trained you to be. It wasnt until I started examining my beliefs one by one that slowly I began breaking down my “reality filter” – the filter we all see life through. We all see what we expect to see which creates more of that for us to see. How many times have we seen that “unique” dress, outfit, car, or other thing, get it, only to see it everywhere later? It wasnt unique at all! We didnt see it before because we werent looking for it. Its work, or has been for me, to really “see”. Therein is where I really appreciate the tools Morty has built – tools to break down my beliefs so I can examine them more closely with objectivity.

        B Ramakrishnan, I think you are right. The challenge to me is just to “be” and see what is here now. I remember reading where the Buddha silently raised a flower before a group of students and only one or so nodded at the understanding.

        The challenge too is to make this life useful. There is an expression “that person is so spiritual he is of no earthly good”. Sitting in the mountains being spiritual somehow doesnt seem to be useful LOL. So back to my original ponder, after waking up, choosing a new being choice, being free of religiousness, and “seeing”, – what does one do with this knowledge? We all cant simply stand or sit around in bliss anticipating the return to Oneness.

        My favorite book in the Bible is Ecclesiastes because it pretty much sums it up – all under the sun is vanity – drink, eat and be merry. In other words, enjoy the ride but dont get attached to it! Dont fret the details LOL. What I have decided to do is find something every day that makes my life count in the betterment of someone around me while I enjoy the ride for myself. What gives my life meaning is what I decide it does. Its really that simple.

  21. Rachel January 11, 2012 at 8:27 am - Reply

    Thank you for your posts Morty. I have never found anything as perspective changing as what you do. The LBP has changed my life. I cant wait until I am in the position to work with natural confidence.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 11, 2012 at 3:30 pm - Reply

      Hi Rachel,

      Glad you are finding our work so useful.

      Let me know your experience after trying the Natural Confidence program.


  22. Ayo Fashola January 11, 2012 at 7:38 am - Reply

    Hi Morty, I’ve been following you for a while. Thank you for your contribution to out community and to the world at large. I completely resonate with this article. I work as a Style Coach/Wardrobe Consultant where I experience the essence of the individual and seek to find the fabrics, colors and clothes that mirrors the person’s spirit and energy. I am constantly challenged about m field annd profession, be it described as superficial, fluff, or not important because its the inside of the person that matters. Being seen is a huge fear for lots of people from my understanding. They feel the inner work is the most important and although I do agree its important, icing on the cake makes it attractive.

  23. Dreamer January 11, 2012 at 7:36 am - Reply

    Do you offer just the four de-conditioning modules for fear? I do not have any of the limiting beliefs anymore but definitely feel like one of Pavlov’s dogs in certain situations. It is like I can’t control my fear to the point that my body will shake and i know its from years of being conditioned this way when I was young. It doesnt stop me from attempting eveything I want to but definitely doesnt allow me to fully stretch my wings and enjoy it. I would love to buy the de-conditioning modules that you have developed. Thanks so much!

    • Morty Lefkoe January 11, 2012 at 3:16 pm - Reply

      Hi Dreamer,

      Sorry we don’t have a program just for de-conditioning. Usually that process is not used until after all the relevant beleifs are eliminated, so we only offer it with program that eliminates the relevant beleifs first.

      I do describe the steps of the Lefkoe Stimulus Process in one of my blog posts. Check out the table of contents at


  24. Justin Mazza January 11, 2012 at 5:56 am - Reply

    So true Morty. Being a student of both personal and spiritual growth I understand the importance of each and how just utilizing one will not help a person grow or eliminate a belief.

  25. Ozlem January 11, 2012 at 5:31 am - Reply

    Thank you for this explanation Morty. It makes a lot more sense to me now about combining the two. I love the simplicity and the warmth your messages carry.

  26. Tomie January 11, 2012 at 5:30 am - Reply

    Spirituality without physical manifestation is impossible.I think this explained while most spiritual people look miserable because they refuse to work creation

  27. Mattias Nielssen January 11, 2012 at 4:07 am - Reply

    I love this Morty! It explains to me why people who earn their money via spiritual practice have a lot of trouble getting by in life. Not just financially…but also in a personal manner. Often when I meet people who are healers, there is often something wrong with them that is obvious to most people looking at them!

    I myself agree with what you said about that whole state of escapism via spiritual practice. That state you described is called by some Subjective Reality. But I would say that it can be abused!

    To me, Subjective Reality is not about becoming aloof and dismissing the world as an illusion! The fact that one is consciousness and a creator that manifests reality via perception and intention really brings home to me the importance of keeping ones beliefs in check.

    Thanks Morty, I appreciate the value of this. I don’t have my complete act together, but things like these keep bringing it back to me and reminding me! It makes me feel like I’m guided somehow!

  28. Kaleb Kaighn January 11, 2012 at 4:01 am - Reply

    Thankyou Morty. This article explains something that I feel gets ignored too often in the field of self development. I find that some people use their meditation as a means of escaping the pains and tasks life calls for. But in doing so, they are also missing out on the opportunity to share the uniqueness of their manifestation with the world. What is the point of manifesting something in the first place only to abandon it.

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