Most of the time we are only interested in attaining results and we don’t really care about detailed explanations for how we got those results. But sometimes knowing precisely how we achieved specific results enables us to have more control over producing those results consistently. I think I’ve just figured out how one of my processes works as well as it does.

I’ve told you on several occasions how most of us don’t make a distinction between reality and the meaning we give it, and then deal with the meaning (that exists only in our mind) instead of what is actually happening in the world.

A simple example is someone you know walking in a room and not saying hello to you. That is all that actually happened. But most of us would give it a meaning like, he is angry with me or she doesn’t like me any more. And here’s the real problem: we think that the meaning actually occurred, as if we can see it, when, in fact, it’s only in our mind.

I’ve explained to you that the Lefkoe Occurring Process (LOP) enables us to make a clear distinction between the reality and the meaning, and then quickly and easily to dissolve the meaning, so we can clearly see and deal with the events/reality.

The new field of neuroplasticity

I’ve never known how the LOP worked; I only knew that it did. After learning about a intriguing new area of science called brain plasticity I think I now understand how the LOP works so well.

Until the past 20 years or so, most scientists were convinced that the brain developed for the first few years of life, growing new connections and then stopped and could no longer be changed. In a fascinating book, The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge, M.D., points out: “The common wisdom was that after childhood the brain changed only when it began the long process of decline; that when brain cells failed to develop property, or were injured, or died, they could not be replaced.

He tells of meeting scientists who in the past few decades had made “a series of unexpected discoveries. They showed that the brain changed its very structure with each different activity it performed, perfecting its circuit so it was better suited to the task at hand. … They began to call this fundamental brain property “neuroplasticity.”

At this point Doidge’s book gets really exciting because it enabled me to create a theory as to why the LOP works so well. Doidge discusses the work of Donald O. Hebb, a Canadian behavioral psychologist, who in 1949 proposed “that when two neurons fire at the same time repeatedly (or when one fires, causing another to fire), chemical changes occur in both, so that the two tend to connect more strongly. Hebb’s concept—actually proposed by Freud sixty years before—was neatly summarized by neuroscientist Carla Shatz: ‘Neurons that fire together wire together.’ Hebb’s theory thus argued that neuronal structure can be altered by experience.” (Emphasis added.)

How the LOP actually changes how the brain works

In other words, I suspect that there are parts of the brain that add meaning to events and that our perceptions of the world normally pass though those parts of the brain. By repeatedly dissolving the meaning we have given events, we are able to create a new neural circuit in the brain that bypasses those parts of the brain so that we are able to view our perception of events without meaning.

Many of the people in my Lefkoe Occurring Courses (including me) are able by the end of the course to stop giving meaning to most events and are able to dissolve any meaning we do give in a matter of moments. How did we achieve that result? We practiced dissolving the meaning we had automatically given to events hundreds of times. Somehow that repetition created a new circuit that bypassed the meaning-giving part of the brain.

I am excited about finding some neuroscientists who I can partner with to check the brains of a bunch of people before taking my Occurring Course and then again after, so we can see exactly what changes in the brain and where. (I’d also love to see what changes in the brain at the moment a belief is permanently eliminated!)

If you’d like to learn more about the upcoming Lefkoe Occurring Course, please go to

Dissolving meaning enables unconditional love

Parenthetically, when I tell people that with practice they can stop giving meaning to most events, I am often asked: But what about positive emotions, like love? If you don’t give meaning to what people do, won’t you stop loving them?

Actually, just the opposite is true. Many of us want to give our family unconditional love, but even when we intend to do that, the meaning we give our spouse’s, our parents’, and our children’s behavior often leads to annoyance, frustration and even anger. At that moment we are not experiencing or expressing unconditional love, even if we intend to express unconditional love. When we are angry at someone our love is experienced as conditioned on them not doing the type of things they are doing at that moment, which we are annoyed or angry with.

But when you have laid down new neural pathways that bypass meaning, you are actually able to love unconditionally. My wife Shelly has remarked that in the past year or so (since just after I started offering the Lefkoe Occurring Course, which I took as a participant in the beginning) she has experienced a whole new level of love from me. I don’t think I love her any more, but I no longer get annoyed at little things she does and says, so I am able to express and she is able to experience my unconditional love. The same is true with my two daughters.

For information about how to create love “for no reason,” please see my blog post,

What do you think about neuroplasticity? What do you think about my claim that by not giving meaning to the behavior of your loved ones you are able to express unconditional love? I’d love to read your comments and questions.

If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to where you can eliminate one negative belief free.

For information about eliminating 23 of the most common limiting beliefs and conditionings, which cause eight of the most common problems in our lives, and get a separate video of the WAIR? Process, please check out:

These weekly blog posts also exist as podcasts. Sign up for the RSS feed or at iTunes to get the podcasts sent to you weekly.

Copyright © 2011 Morty Lefkoe


  1. Michele September 23, 2011 at 10:36 am - Reply

    I was so pleased to see that you addressed this new understanding of how the brain really works. I had pondered what you taught and this new comprehension of the brains natural abilities. I had learnt the idea of plasticity before I found your program. I knew that they meshed well and in fact gave me more hope that my life was not doomed to be the constant replaying of hopelessness. I appreciated your addressing this new understanding and in my mind it gave you more credence for what you teach. Not one program has all of the answers we need to live a great life, rather to my thinking it is a compilation of those having great insight into the workings of the human mind that help us better understand and therefore able to change in profound ways to navigate our experience with life.

    • Morty Lefkoe September 23, 2011 at 12:11 pm - Reply


      Glad you found this post useful.

      I’ve never done the brain research, but I suspect there is a real change in the brain when beliefs are permanently eliminated. ANd a change in the brain when we stop giving meaning to moment by moment events.


  2. jason linder July 13, 2011 at 8:11 pm - Reply

    Morty, I’m a big fan of dissolving the occurring, but only in the areas of life where we often draw unnecessarily negative conclusions that have little evidence. Striving to ALWAYS dissolve one’s occurring or “bypass meaning,” seems destructive and nihilistic.

    You say, “But when you have laid down new neural pathways that bypass meaning, you are actually able to love unconditionally.”But, after I learn to dissolve all occurring, it doesn’t seem like I’ll be left with unconditional love, but with nothing! How’d you arrive to unconditional love? It can’t exist if nothing means anything! Unconditional love is a meaning you give to meaningless events! Accordingly, life would become meaningless as I learn to dissolve my occurring! I ask you, then what?! Nothing means anything?! That’s the message? I have to be missing something! Please clarify!

    • Lauren July 14, 2011 at 8:42 am - Reply

      You say, ” Striving to ALWAYS dissolve one’s occurring or “bypass meaning,” seems destructive and nihilistic.” I’ve been through the occurring course and in the beginning I did “strive” to dissolve my occurring but only because it was a process I wasn’t used to. And I’ve never experienced the nihilism and destructiveness you’re referring to. I actually experience peace and love for everyone. And unconditional love is not a meaning, but rather a definition of the space I find myself in when there is no occurring. As pure consciousness, we are uncondtional love. Human beings will not stop putting meaning on their lives; the occurring process helps to look at situations more clearly without the fog of meaning that people use to justify their actions.
      Love and Light,

    • Morty Lefkoe July 15, 2011 at 2:57 pm - Reply

      Hi Jason,

      Unconditional love is not a meaning, it is an experience that is there when you are in touch with yourself as a spiritual being and there are not beliefs or occurrings in the way.

      Moreover, the Occurring course helps you dissolve the menacing you give events. It does not dissolve or affect values. You can still care about people, take care of people, love, etc. Not giving meaning to things that people do or events in the world has nothing to do with what you care about.

      Thanks for your continued interest and your great questions.

      Love, Morty

  3. Houston Vetter-DocResults July 4, 2011 at 9:41 pm - Reply

    As usual a very good post. The new neuro-pathway discussion has been proposed all the way back to Greg Batson and before. Bandler and Grinder spoke of it in the early days and even today other fields, others than science, the metaphysical sciences speak of creating new neuro-pathways by way of thought and directing of thought. (It’s the new buzzword for the Abraham-Hicks material).

    It is interesting attempting to show in the physical brain what the non-physical mind is doing and neurology is one of the most useful ways to see the physical out working of mental exercises/processes such as LOP.

    One of the beauties of stopping the adding of meaning actually puts one in the ole’ chop wood, carry water “enlightenment” state.

    I applaud you in the development of the LOP as removing meaning from events does some amazing powerful things.

    1st and foremost it removes the energy spin that is ALWAYS added the moment meaning is attached to any event.

    2nd and delightfully when there is no spin added to energy, there are no hooks (i.e. blocks, hindrances, resistance) to what is. Energy simply flows and the individual is no longer push one way or another.

    3rd the individual is naturally carried to whatever their intent was. (i.e. create what they want with WAY less effort and a lot more ease and flow.)

    The place of adding no meaning is often called neutral and neutral is often misunderstood people unfamiliar with the state. Neutral is not a non-feeling state, it is a non-adding meaning state. A state of neutrality (where no meaning is given) allows for every single emotive feeling to be felt, from the worse to the greatest and no meaning is given, therefore no hook or resistance takes place and the energy simply moves through the system.

    To Your Best,
    Dr. Vetter -DocResults

    • Morty Lefkoe July 6, 2011 at 11:50 am - Reply

      Hi Houston,

      As always I appreciate your comments, which add value to what I’ve written.

      Have a great day.

      Love, Morty

  4. Andrea July 1, 2011 at 11:13 am - Reply

    I read all yours mails ….but……Can you traslate to spanish all your information??? I don’t know very well english.
    Morty mil gracias por toda tu información aunque
    no logro captarle bien a todos tus correos sigo leyendolos
    yo se que mi mente algo entendera y podre empezar a eliminar
    tantas creencias negativas que no nos dejan crecer o avanzar.
    Mil gracias nuevamente.
    Andrea mexico

  5. Allenia June 30, 2011 at 12:08 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    I just wanted to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for your recreateyourlife interactive video that I came across, last week. I was actually very skeptical about the whole thing but by the end of the 20 min video, my once learned negative beliefs about why I wasn’t good enough COMPLETELY diminished. Thank you, thank you, thank you for planting the seed and giving me a tool that has absolutely changed the direction of my life. You’re awesome.

    Best Wishes to you Always,

    Southern Ca.

    • Morty Lefkoe June 30, 2011 at 10:28 am - Reply

      Hi Allenia,

      Glad to hear that you were successful in eliminating one belief. ANd if you think that’s exciting, wait until you eliminate all the beliefs that cause specific problems in your life and you see the entire problem disappear. Let me know what you think.

      Love, Morty

  6. Lauren June 29, 2011 at 10:32 am - Reply

    I’ve read a little on neuroplasticity but not to the extent others have. However, I can relate to forming new pathways. During the Occurring Course, I could understand the process in an intellectual way, but it didn’t make an impression until one week it just “clicked”. After that I understood and could apply it easily and it was a matter of the constant practice to make an ever deeper and long-lasting impression. Also, I mentioned in a previous post that I am using the book “This Year I will….” by M.J. Ryan to accomplish some goals. One of the questions was “How have you learned something new in the past?” I realized that my way is to practice and practice until it “clicked.”
    When I was a senior in high school, I decided to start listening to classical music. So I bought a record(this was 1976) and listened to it. Hated it, didn’t understand it, nothing. Listened again. Same thing. I listened to that record album 5 times; the 6th time, I loved it. Neuroplasticity explains my experience to a T. And the LBP and LOP both do this in a focused way. Going to look up that book and am looking forward to more on this subject.
    Love and Light,

  7. Alex June 29, 2011 at 8:46 am - Reply

    Well hello, Morty. This a damn interesting post.

    I was particularly amazed with this part: “(The scientists) showed that the brain changed its very structure with each different activity it performed, perfecting its circuit so it was better suited to the task at hand.” Wow. It would’ve never occurred to me that the brain did that.

    Now that I think about it, it all makes sense from that point of view. Every single topic in my life “feels” a certain way for me each time. It’s almost as if, when I start thinking about a certain topic, my brain changes its state to suit what I’ve known and learned about that topic up to now.

    I don’t know if this is related but, last night, I was listening to a random song, not being aware of who the band was. I loved the song, but when I saw what band it was, I was shocked, because I hate that band. But then I realized that this song in particular is very similar to most of their other songs. And I KNOW that If I had been aware from the beginning of what band it was, I would’ve hated the song and skipped it. Which means, I have a neuron circuit adapted to that band that says “they suck, everything related to them is bad and should be avoided”. But the minute I remove the band’s identity, along with the meaning I have given their music, I begin to listen to them from an objective point of view, without added meaning. Fascinating.

    By the way, I love how, on the last “occurring course” newsletter, I am told (paraphrasing): “Alex, would you like to discover a technique to dissolve fear? check it out, here’s what one person said…” And then I read my own comment I wrote on the occurring website, signed Alex. That was funny. Glad to see my post was useful for illustrating what the technique does.

  8. Colette S. Brenaman June 29, 2011 at 7:17 am - Reply

    I too, like Riley, love that book and have shared it with others. I just gave a dear friend a copy of that book when she came to visit me recently. I am also keenly interested in the brain and love the fact that it has been scientifically proven that we can change our behavior no matter if we’re 8 or 80. Just knowing that has helped me make a significant change in my own behavior. A friend of mine recently died and I knew she was gravely ill but couldn’t accept that I would lose her so I didn’t take the opportunity to tell her the things I later wished I would have. I was devistated for days after her passing. I realized this was going to have a significant negative impact on my life if I continued to grieve so deeply. I knew Claire wouldn’t want me to beat myself up like that plus, I’m a caregiver and work two week shifts, so this was very inconvenient to be distraught. So decided to give myself the gift of forgiveness, not just in this instance but in all areas of my life. I was amazed at how quickly I felt a real shift in my attitude. Every time I felt myself reverting back to my old attitudes, all I had to do was remind myself that this was a gift I was giving myself in memory of my friend. So far it’s worked. I’ve never experienced such a profound shift in my own attitudes in such a short amount of time. It’s made me a believer in brain placticity and the fact that we really do assign meanings to the events in our lives.

  9. Riley Harrison June 29, 2011 at 5:30 am - Reply

    I’m a big neuroscience fan and The Brain That Changes Itself is my all time favorite. I’ve bought and given away several copies of that book.

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